Childhood Friends

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(In this Fanfiction, you are fifteen, or however old you wish to be. This flashback takes place earlier in life. Enjoy)

**Flashback, eleven years ago**
"Katsuki! Wait up!" The other kids flocked after him like he was a God. Katsuki sped up his running, leaving them to struggle behind. Katsuki stopped farther up at a bridge and peered over, looking into the water curiously, causing him to fall into the water below. The water was shallow, so he stood up and waded out. He finally looked up and realized there was a girl about his size with _____ ______ hair and ______ eyes standing beside the bridge and trying to hold back laughter. His face turned red with embarrassment and he approached the girl angrily, "Hey, what do you think you are laughing at, you Pig Face?" She suddenly could not hold her laughter back, and she wiped tears from her eyes, "You of course! Your mean words make the situation even more funny!" His face went even more red if that was possible. He was not used to people laughing at him, that was supposed to be his job. This girl was so annoying. He was about to get closer to her and yell in her face when she suddenly held out her hand to help him up the short incline, "Hey, do not worry, my Mommy can take care of you! Come with me!" She smiled at him and tugged him along. The people that was following him waved at him, "Bye Katsuki! See you tomorrow!" He looked away from them and as she pulled him along he sulked. Why was a person being so nice to him? Was she not scared of him? Once they reached the girls' house, she opened the door and led him straight to the bathroom, "I will be right back! I am going to get Mommy so stay here please!" She smiled, and disappeared away from his view. A few seconds later though, she came back with her assumed Mother. Her Mother had a change of clothes and a towel in her hands, rushing forward, she handed him the items, "I hope you are okay, here are some items to help you dry off. Let me know if you need anything else, I will be right outside just open the door when you are done." She stepped out and closed the door, smiling. After about seven minutes (not eight, too bad so sad), Katsuki opened the door with his new outfit consisting of a plain red shirt, black pants and socks. The woman known as the girls Mother smiled at him, "Sorry, I just grabbed something quick because I am washing your other clothes. Feel free to stay here for a while." She went into the now open bathroom, picked up his clothing and went into another room. Katsuki walked into what he guessed was the living room and sat down on the couch awkwardly. The girl ran into the room and plopped beside him on the comfy couch, smiling, "Wow, where are my manners my Mommy taught me? I am _____ ______, what is your name?" She held out her hand and he took the hint, he grabbed her hand and shook it, "Nice to meet you. I am Katsuki Bakugou. How come I have never seen you before though?" She let go of his hand and giggled, "Maybe because I just moved to this part of town?" His face turned red again and he looked at the ground, "O-oh, right, of course." She poked his cheek, "No need to be so embarrassed, want to become friends Katsuki?" He looked up and smiled, "Yes, that would be cool."

**Time skip, one year later, so it would be ten years ago**
Katsuki and the girl got closer, he really only saw her as the only friend he really had. Yeah, of course he had the other followers, but they were just that: followers. They played outside with the others everyday, and they were always together at school. Whenever he started bullying the other kids in front of her, especially Izuku, she would get in between them and hold onto Katsuki's hands, "Hey! Stop being like that! How can you ever have more friends if you treat everyone like that?" His face turns red and he goes quiet, looking away every time. Her Quirk manifested before his, so she would sometimes prank him with her Water Quirk, but ____'s Mother was always there with towels and new clothes. To make it better, ________ had a younger brother, one year younger to be exact. He also joined the little friend group and they also went out and explored together in the little forest fairly close to both of their houses. Not that he would ever admit to anyone, he liked ____ much better, perhaps too much. He was actually content with his life, and he was becoming more calm and less temperamental.

**Time skip, just one month after the ten year ago mark**
"But why do you have to leave ____?! This really sucks, I will never get to see you again!" Katsuki started crying with rage and sadness as the girl told him the news. The girls' Mother got a job offer in America, and since it was her Mother's dream job, she jumped at the offer. So obviously, the girl and her brother were forced to move with her. The girl hugged Katsuki and pat his head with her free hand, "I am so sorry Katsuki, my Mommy really wants the job, so we need to leave. I am going to miss you so much, you are my first friend." The smaller girl started crying as well, causing him to wrap his arms around her and sobbing on her shoulder, "I will miss you _____, I hope you have a good life and someday if my wish comes true, we can meet again." The girl let go of Katsuki, and turned away, running off crying. Katsuki looked down, his heart heavy as he slowly turned away and walked to his house just down the street.

**Time Skip, Now**
A girl with _____ _____ hair and _____ eyes made her way into her house, setting her stuff on the floor. That was the last of her stuff, now she just has to unpack. She stood up and wiped the sweat from her face with a towel, "I am back in Japan at last. Now I will become the greatest Hero yet! Look out U.A. Academy!"

(Hope you enjoyed this trashy chapter. Let me know in the comment section, feel free to ask if you do not understand something.)

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