Mystery of Amy

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*ring ring* *ring ring* hello. Amy said. Hey honey its your father. Hey dad?? What happened. Amy said. Umm its a long story....but to make it quick your mother is back on earth. Greg said. Oh my gosh how could you let this happen to her, you where just up there for a month and look what happened. Amy said. Sorry sweetie it was hard they took her while we where at the lab I saw her entire a ship. Greg said. Father this is so complicated I'll just call you later goodbye. Amy said then hung up. Amy are you okay? Betty said. No Jason's lost my mom is on the astrid alien star ship and everything. Amy said. What!!! Your mom is on the ship. Betty said. Yes and we haven't even gotten close to get in contact to them or anything. Amy said. I promise you Amy we will find both of them, but get some rest you have been very stressed. Betty said. Ok goodnight. Amy said. Goodnight. Betty said.
Next morning
Get up Amy hurry up we have some special gifts from your father, it has most of your favorite snacks inside of it. Betty said. Are you serious it has snickers Doritos even the blue kind, and feel right eating this I was mad at him yesterday because he made my mom get taken. Amy said. But clearly he doesn't care because he still sent them Amy he loves you so much everyone can see it you just need to stop over thinking it's bad for you lets just eat and find the rest of the group so we can save H.T.O okay. Betty said. Okay, and one thing what is that it's coming out of the capsule. Amy said while pulling out her pistol from her thigh holder. I don't know but don't shot it, it could be helpful. Betty said. Wait there's a note grab it then come here really quick it could be rigged. Amy said. It says here's a present I've been working on up this for a while it's a CB3 its very helpful you can do anything that you teach it but you can get in contact with me through him bye sweetie have a wonderful adventure. Love dad. Betty read aloud. Oh well let's call him now then see what happens. Amy said. Okay I think you have to say something like call dad. Betty said. Okay call dad CB3 beep beep bop
*ring ring* *ring ring* hello father it's Amy. Hello amy press the camera it gets cooler. Beep dad this is just like FaceTime "omg" I knew you would like it. But let's cut to the chase where's mom. Amy said. She is in the space station and the only way to go there if you go to the astrid grounds and survive long enough for the king to realize your presence. Greg said. But we can't do that, we either need more training someone from the inside or more people. Betty said. Well this is a good time to do this um I grew up with the king I'm actually his brother we have the same powers but we have different moms mine is mortal his mom is immortal so he is immortal till I stab him so look behind you sweetie. Greg said. Dad!!!!! Amy said. When did you come. Amy said. I just got here it's that I have a new rocket that it grows and shrinks. And it's light weight, but let's change the subject let's go find everyone who is missing starting with Jason. Greg said. Okay let's go. amy said. How long has he been gone. Greg said. For like 5 months. Betty said. That's a long time for a kid to be out for do you guys think he is okay? Greg said. I think he said he will come back stronger. Amy said. Well let's get moving before he does anything stupid. Betty said. He should be close.
In the jungle
Jason!!!........Jason!!!!!!......Jason!!!! Everyone said. Amy is that you. Jason said. Jason!! Amy said with tears coming out her eyes and running to him and then they kiss. Wow that was sudden. Greg said. Oh man is this your father Amy. Jason said. Yes I'm her father. Greg said. Well this just gotten awkward. Jason said. Umm yes it did lets just talk what did you do while you where gone. Amy said. Well i went to the astrid aliens base to get this. Jason said. Is that map!!! Betty said. Wow Jason how did you get it. Well the 5 months I was gone I got in shape and practice to become an assassin to make it into the base. Jason said. Your smart and that's a nice sniper you got there it even gots a silencer. Greg said. I mean you can have it I'm pretty good with a knife. Jason said. Oh are you sure. Greg said. Yea I'm sure take it the clips are full and more of them are over there. Jason said. Thank you so much Jason that is very generous of you to do. Greg said. No problem mr..... Just call me Greg. Greg said. Ok Greg. Jason said. this will be a great time to say that I really love your daughter and I would love for you to accept that I take care of her and you don't need to worry about me leaving her behind or something. Jason said. its ok you don't have to talk to me about what you want to do to please her I already accepted you. Greg said. wow that was a relief I didn't know it would be that easy but it doesn't matter at least I am in the family, but lets talk business lets just get to the astrid alien base and then save H.T.O it will be easy as pie as long as we have a plan.

planning time

Greg you are the new sniper you stay up on the hill to watch over use in and shot any near by enemies and Amy and Betty you have rifles and pistols and I have a knife and a bow and arrow I quit using guns when I left you guys behind. Jason said. but lets get to it everyone to your places. the sounds of them running like mercenaries with there boots hitting the floor and there dog tags making key sounds every time there boots hit the floor but they enter the astrid alien base.

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