Chapter 4

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If ever there was a doubt, my love she leans into me.

January 4

It was quiet, mainly because the boys were out skiing, and I was in the house, exploring.

They wanted me to come, but I kind of put myself in a shell, wanting to be by myself.

I somehow ended up in the kitchen.

No one seemed to be in here. I walked towards a large metal door.

Must be a walk in freezer?

Opening it gently, I let out a small gasp, finding someone familiar scoffing down ice-cream.

She looked at me, surprised.

"Uhm, Sorry..." Lucy said with a mouthful. I raised a brow.

Why was she in a freezer eating ice-cream?

'why are u in here?' I wrote on the whiteboard.

Lucy blushed, "Please don't tell Ron... I could lose my job.."

I furrowed my brows.

"I'm not supposed to eat the food here, but I was hungry and I love Ice-cream.. Please dont tell? Pwease?" Lucy battered her eye lashed, pouting as she put on her cute face.

I smiled, writing down 'I won't tell dont worry'

she sighed in relief, kissing my cheek.

I blushed at the contact.

"Now, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Lucy asked, raising a brow.

I shrugged, shaking my head. She smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, you're probably bored." She chuckled, leading me out of the freezer and the kitchen. I didn't protest, just let her take lead in wherever she wanted to take me.

I wish I could talk, spark up some kind of conversation, but to no avail, my voice wouldn't return magically.

"Have you seen the premises? Looked around the landscape?" Lucy asked, to which I shook my head. I hadn't left my room since arriving here, nor have I glanced out the window to see. This is the first time venturing out of that room since she had shown me it.

Lucy took me out of the house, and towards the trees near the lake. I could see everyone swimming in the lake, Zayn and Niall chilling in some blow up boat. None of them seemed to have noticed me being dragged into the forest-type area by Lucy.

"This is the trail my dad made for this place. It takes you around the coolest areas." Lucy smiled at me. I smiled back, nodding. She took me for a ten minute walk, when finally we reached an opening in the trees. A cliff looked over the forest surrounding the place, I could see how far the lake extended to.

I mouthed, 'wow' as I took in the scenary. It was rather beautiful, the way the sun made the green almost glow.

"Beautiful, ain't it?" Lucy smiled. I nodded, sitting on the grass. Lucy joined me. "Places like these help you think... clear your mind." Lucy smiled.

I looked over the forest-wood place and couldn't agree more. It was peaceful, that's what I needed; peace.


A few hours later, Lucy decided we should head back. We didn't converse other than a few words, and well, me writing what I needed to say.

Once we got back to the mansion, she went off to do her job, while I decided to look around the house, snooping around.

The boys were somewhere in the house, I could hear them, but couldn't be bothered to see them.

I made my way to a door where I heard someone talking.

I opened it slightly, spotting Ron, the butler, and some guy that seriously looked like Channing Tatum's younger twin.

"All is set, things are in order. They won't see it coming." Ron snickered, picking up a golden cane and swinging it around.

I furrowed my brows.

"So, you'll have everything good by Monday?" The Channing Tatum guy asked.

"Of course, bring the truck at four in the afternoon, Cameron." Ron walked towards the fireplace.

"Will do, as long as you know we expect payment as soon as they arrive." Channing Tatum - Cameron, I mean, smiled.

Ron simply nodded, flicking his wrist at him.

I wonder what that all means?

I shrugged, heading off towards the boys and deciding to hang out with them.

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