- I knøw that I can fight ør I can let the liøn win, I begin tø assemble what weapøns I can find cause sømetimes tø stay alive yøu've gøtta kill yøur mind
- thøugh I'm weak, and beaten døwn, I'll slip away, intø the søund, the ghøst øf yøu is cløse tø me, I'm Inside øut, yøur underneath, døn't let me be gøne.
- døn't wanna hand yøu all my trøubles, døn't wanna give yøu all my demøns, yøu'll have tø watch me struggle frøm several røøms away, but tønight I need yøu tø stay.
- nøw the night is cøming tø an end, the sun will rise and we will try again....I will fear the night again, I høpe I'm nøt my ønly fren..
- we døn't deal with øutsiders very well, they say newcømers have a certain smell, yeah trust issues nøt tø mentiøn, they say they can smell yøur intentiøns.
De Todo** **** ** **** Just a shitty book of quotes *** ** ** **** ** *** ***** ** ***