Get Creative

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One thing before we start:
I am not going to do the dialogue before or after the songs
I'm probably just going to add them in if they're in the middle of the song
Also, I apologize if I mess up somewhere, I'm not that good with lyrics
I think that's it?
Enjoy my 2am entertainment


What's your favorite idea?
Mine is being creative
- How do you get that idea?
I just try to think creatively

Now when you look at this orange
Tell me please, what do you see?
- It's just a boring old orange
Maybe to you, but not to me
I see a silly face
Walking along and smiling at me
- I don't see what you mean
'Cause you're not thinking creatively!

So take a look at my hair
- Cool
I use my hair to express myself
- That sounds really boring
I use my hair to express myself

Now when you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting?
- No
Come on, take another look
- Oh wait
- I can see a hat, I can see a cat,
- I can see a man with a baseball bat
- I can see a dog, I can see a frog,
- I can see a ladder leaning on a log

Think you're getting the hang of it now
Using your minds to have a good time
- I might paint a picture of a clown
Whoa there friend, you might need to slow down

(Rip clown that had a better future than me probably)

Here's another good tip
- Yeah?
Of how to be a creative wiz kid
Go and collect some leaves and sticks and arrange them into your favorite color
- Blue
- Red!
- Green!
Green is not a creative color

There's one more thing that you need to know before you let your creativity flow
Listen to your heart, listen to your brain,
Listen to the voices in your brain
Come on guys, let's get creative!

Now let's all agree to never be creative again


This shouldn't be one of my first works but whatever
Also I hope you realize how hard it was to sift through all the Paige x Tony fan art on fucking Google images to get that book cover

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