Digital Styles

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I'm a computer
I'm a computery guy
Everything made out of buttons and wires
I like to show ya
Inside my digital life
Inside my mind there is a digital mind

- Oh. Maybe you can help us answer this question. What is the biggest thi-
A very clevery guy
- Wow
Count up to 50 in the blink of my eye
And print a picture
And then I tell you the time
- Time?
Help you to find something you're wanting to find
You know it's easy to be
A clever smart boy like me
If you just do it all digitally

- Wow, I'd like to be as smart as a computer
- Actually, we already have a computer-
Great news!
Now, before we being our journey, I just need to get some information from you
What's your name?
Where do you live?
What do you like to eat?
- I live in my house
- Spaghetti
- Well, my name is-
Great news!
Now just a few more questions, and we'll be on our way
- Wait a second
What's your favorite color?
- Stop talking
Do you like cow's or goat's milk?
- Be quiet
Do you have brown hair?
What is your blood type?
Are you allergic to-
- Shut up!
- What?

To my digital home
Everything made out of numbers and codes
- Huh?
- Wow, we're all computery
- Oh yeah. Wow, wow, wow. 'Cause it's a computer

- I don't get it. How could it be? If I'm sitting at home, but I'm inside the screen
You're not you
You're your digital you
Virtually real,
But controlled by real you
- But if he's not quite real, than I'm not real too! And you're not real you is inside your real you
- Oh wow, how amazing. And interesting too. But in this digital world, what can we do?

- What can we do-
Hey, good question!
Well it's up to you
In the digital world,
There's only 3 things to do

- Wow, look, a pie chart
- Digital styles
Doing digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!

- Wow, look, a bar graph
- Digital styles
Doing digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!

- Wow, look, a line graph
- Digital styles
Doing digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!

- Wow, look, an oblong
- Digital styles
Doing digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!

- Wow, look, nothing
- Digital styles
Doing digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!

- Nothing
- Digital styles
Doing digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!

- Nothing
Digital dancing
Hey, this is fun!


Sorry btw, I'm not really sure where to cut it anymore?
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to having to figure out where to end the last two
Or the next one in general
Yeesh that one freaks me out

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