Hi I am Mckensie and you are?

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Mckensie POV

It was around 10pm I was walking back from work as my boss had asked me to work late, i didnt mind i needed the extra money. I was walking past Club Atlantis, one of the most known clubs in Atlanta. The loud pumping of the music filled the air every time the door opened to release some poor soul who was drunk and violently throwing up the contents of their now intoxicated stomach. I had never been clubbing, it wasnt my scene, but I always knew what Club Atlantis was like as i walked past it daily. Once again the doors open and an intoxicated boy scrambled through it and fell onto me whilst puking out his internal organs.

" Ewwwww get off me!" I screamed

"Sorry" the boy slurred.

It was only when I gazed at his handsome face I realised who it was.

"Your Justin Bieber!" I exclaimed.

" Yeah, I am , and who are you?" He asked

" I am Mckensie!"

"Such a beautiful name, for such a beautiful girl!" Justin answered, whilst laying his head tipsily on my shoulder and squeezing my arse.

"Stop that" I screeched

" Oh come on baby, you know you like it!" He continued.

" Right I am taking you home , Where do you live?" I asked

" 110 Summers avenue!"

" Right lets go!"

I grabbed his clammy hand and pulled him lazily to his house. It was huge I will tell you that. I knocked on the front door and no one answered.

" Justin, is anyone home?" I queried

" No, mom is on a buisness trip for a year, Im home alone baby!"

He passed me some keys and I unlocked the door and dragged him down the hallway and up the stairs. He showed me where his room was and we walked in and I pushed him on the bed. I ran downstairs grabbed him a bottle of water and told him to drink to sober him up. As he was doing so I thought about how far away my house is from here.

" Justin, can I stay the night. My house is an hour away from here!"

" Of course, you can sleep with me!" he winked, still intoxicated.

" No thanks I will sleep on the couch" i gestured to the huge couch in his room.

He passed me a blanket and i strutted to the couch and fell asleep.


I awoke to a bright light through the window and a loud groaning.

" Morning Justin!" I said

" Who are you?" He screeched.

" Relax, last night you came out of the club as i was walking past and fell on me, then you started hitting on me. But i brought you home as you were severely drunk. I crashed on your couch, cause my house is an hour away from here.My name is Mckensie." I explained

" Oh, I thought you were some crazed fan that broke into my house!" He replied

" Well I better get going, cya around?" I said

" Wait!"

I turned around.

" Yes?"

" You know your extrememeley pretty, would you maybe want to hang out today?" He asked

"You told me that last night, but sure!" I replied

Justin changed into some clothes for the day and I borrowed one of his hoodies to replace my now creased top. He grabbed my hand locked the door and pulled me to his car.

" Wow, your inpatient!"

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