Chapter -5- Juliet

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(~•~•)~ Andy's POV ~(•~•~)

"Hey Andy" Juliet greeted as I walked onto her bus.

"Hey Juliet umm, can we talk in private for a moment?" I asked and she looked confused.

"Umm, I don't see why not let's go." She said confused at why I wanted to be alone but grabbed my hand anyways and pulled me along to her bunk.

"So what did you wanna tell me?" Juliet asked.

"Juliet I love you so much." She smiled at that and grabbed my hand.

"Aww, Andy I love you to." I moved my hand quickly and cleared my throat.

"But... I don't think this is working anymore." Juliet froze and stared at me in silence. Her eyes started to water and she moved her head down. Tears dripped off of her face and she looked up at me again.

"Why?" She sobbed.

"Why what?"

"Why am I not good enough for you! I do everything I can for you, I give you everything I can and it still isn't enough!"

I looked down and my face went emotionless.

"I'm sorry." I said blankly and got up to leave. Juliet quickly grabbed my arm.

"No wait!" But I just pulled it away. I broke past Juliet and walked away and heard her quietly say my name in shock.

I left the bus and as I did I heard her scream my name.

(~•-•)~ Your POV ~(•-•~)

I was talking to CC and stopped dead in my tracks.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked

"Somewhere near here a bitch just got rekt."

(~•-•)~ Andy's POV ~(•-•~)

I was sitting on by a lake throwing stones into it. I needed some time to think about my situation. I just threw away all I had with Juliet for a fangirl. Not just any fangirl, (Y/N). I mean I've been with Juliet for years but damn (Y/N) is fine af.

I don't know why I need to think about this I know (Y/N) is clearly the right choice. And if Juliet tries to ruin that then I'll have to end that at its source. Now to get back (Y/N). I stood up and started walking back to the buses. 

Sorry for the huuuuuugggggeeee lack of updating. I don't know if I have said this before but I prefer writing my other fanfics then this one and it's simply just hard to think of ideas for this one. I won't discontinue this fanfic but it will update slowly. People will never know the stress of writing fanfic with a busy schedule until they do it.


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