Honey is it true that we are through?
Exchanged our last "I love you"?
Honey, if this so and you must go,
I really, really want you to know,
That I hope you...
...Spend the rest...the rest...
...The Rest In Peace...
I pray that your car breaks down,
In the bad part of town.
I want to hear you ankle break,
Halfway up that mountain scape.
Well over the brink of no return
Oh, Honey...
...Spend the rest ...the rest...
...the Rest In Peace...
Yes, it must be true that we are through.
Exchanged our last "Up Yours Too!"
But for all the times we shared together...
Me with you (and you with whoever)
Really, I hope you...
...Spend the rest...the rest...
...the Rest In Peace...
I pray that your car rolls over
Or you get bowled over by a boulder
I want to see all your hair fall out
And may your belly overflow
With painful cramps and gassy bloat
Oh, Honey...
...Spend the rest...the rest...
...the Rest In Peace...
And if you were to wed someday soon
I wish for you a bed of poison oak
And may your polyester tux be cranked-up so tight
That your sweaty jock itches all through the night
And may your wife's figure just grow and grow and grow
And all your children be born during the Super Bowl
Oh, Honey...
...Spend the rest...the rest...
...the Rest In Peace...
* Also dedicated to Jamie Curry*