Beaten To Death

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He was caught in the very act raping a little girl.

The poor kid was cryin, too scared to say anything.

She is only four years old, and her pussy is razed.

Violently violated, she's been taken to the hospital.

The angry crowd took the agressor away of the room.

He begged for mercy and received the first punch in the face.

He tried to run, but it was too late.

Dozens of people kicking him, his teeth were gone.

Someone broke his hand with a mallet.

The face is no longer recognizable.

Exposed fractures in the arms, bones shattered.

Internal organs collapse, continuously hit in the abdomen.

He bleeds through the ears, his face pulpified,

Spewing blood.

The legs are in an impossible angle, feet turned back.

Cracks on the rips, spine is now deformed.

His head was opened, the sledgehammer painted the asphalt in red.

The eyes pulled out and the optical nerve was smashed.

Brutally disembowled, the child's mother introduced a scythe into him.

His blood and entrails dropped on the floor.

Three dogs lacerated the rest of he body,

And the defaced corpse was left there, to be eaten by the vultures.

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