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Katie's POV

I'm officially nine months pregnant. I'm so over it. I can't wait to meet our baby boy. I wake up this morning to Luke rubbing his hand on my big belly and softly singing. I can't help but smile and put my hand on top of his.

"We still need to pick a name for our son." I tell him with a smile.

"What names do you have in mind?" He asks sitting up next to me.

"I like the name Boyer. That was my grandmother's maiden name." I say to him kind of curious of what he is going to say.

"I thought about naming him after me and my dad. What if we name him Thomas Boyer Bryan?"

"I love that name baby. I think it's perfect."

Luke is out at our pond feeding the fish and I'm in the house getting what little cleaning I can do done. I'm folding the last of Luke's clothes when I get a sharp pain in my stomach. I just brush it off as Braxton Hicks and go back downstairs. I start making lunch because , go figure, I'm hungry and Luke will be coming in soon. I'm in the middle of frying bacon for the BLTs when I get and intensely sharp pain and then I feel water run down my legs.

"Holy Shit!" I think to myself starting to panic.

I pick my phone up off the counter and call Luke.

"I need you home now! My water broke." I yell into the phone as soon as he answers.

"Baby just breathe. I'm on my way up to the house right now."

When Luke walks in the door, he immediately goes to grab the hospital bag and then helps me to the truck.

I got put into a room a couple hours ago and my contractions are about 15 minutes apart. I've never been in pain like this before. Luke finally decided it was time to call our families, so he is out in the hall on the phone. The nurse keeps coming in and checking me and I'm not moving as fast as she would like. She tells me that she is going to get the doctor and leaves the room. I don't know what is going on, but I'm starting to get scared.

Luke's POV

Katie ended up having to get a C-Section. She wasn't making the progress she should've been and the baby was getting stressed. Thomas Boyer Bryan was born March 18th at 6:20pm. The nurses just finished cleaning the baby off and now I'm carrying him to the waiting room so the family can see him. Mama sees me coming and beats everyone else to me.

"Give me that sweet baby boy." She says holding out her arms.

I hand her the baby and everyone gathers around her. I get the biggest smile on my face watching our families awe over the baby.

The nurses finally put Katie in recovery and told the family that they were welcome to visit. Katie's parents go in first and she is still asleep. I sit there and talk with her parents as they hold Thomas. I feel so lucky to have this little boy in my life. I have an amazing wife and son and the best job and family a man can ask for.

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