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Katie's POV

It's been almost two years since Til came to live with us. Bo is 6 and Tate is now 4. I can't believe how much my babies have grown. Til has adjusted very well to living with us. He is doing awesome in school and now has himself a girlfriend named Lauren. They are adorable together. Luke even took Til to the CMT Awards with him back in June. Luke and I started fighting a lot a few months after Lee died and we decided to separate. We don't talk much unless it's about the boys and even then, it's short conversations. I miss him so much and I've been thinking about talking to him and trying to work things out. Right now, I'm at the hair salon coloring my hair and I've decided that there is no better time than now to text Luke.

K- "Hey, are you busy?"
L- "No. What's up?"
K- "Luke, I miss you. I miss us. 😢
L- "Honestly me too. We need to talk face to face. I'm not doing this through the phone."

We decide to meet up for dinner and almost instantly I get the butterflies I had the first time I ever met him.

I just finished getting ready and I'm walking down the stairs.

"Til are you sure y'all wanna stay here with the boys tonight?" I ask Til and Lauren.

"It's perfectly fine. We don't mind at all." Lauren says reassuringly.

"Yeah, Aunt Katie, we will be fine. Go get Uncle Luke." Til says with a wink.

I kiss the boys goodbye and walk out the door. I can't believe how nervous I am for this.

Luke's POV

I'm standing outside the restaurant waiting on Katie and I'm so nervous that I feel like I am going to be sick. I see Katie pull in and my heart starts beating out of my chest. When I see her get out of the car, my jaw hits the ground. She has dyed her hair brown and she is wearing a strapless white dress. She looks absolutely stunning. The dark hair looks great on her. Katie looks up and out eyes meet. I can't help the smile that comes across my face as I walk towards her.

"Hey Katie Ann." I say approaching her and kissing her cheek.

"Hey Luke." She says returning the smile.

I grab her hand and we walk into the restaurant.

The hostess walks back up front after showing us to our private table in the back. Katie and I are sitting in silence looking at our menus before I speak up.

"I love the hair."

"Thank you. I needed a change." She says quietly.

After a few more minutes of silence and the waiter taking our order, Katie starts talking.

"Luke, I don't want to do this separation/divorce thing anymore. I love you so much and I want my family together again."

Tears are rolling down her cheeks as she finishes her sentence.

"Katie, I want our family together again as well. I've wanted it back for awhile now but I wanted to wait for you to be ready." I tell her reaching across the table and grabbing her hands.

"Where do we go from here?"

Katie's POV

After I asked that question, I got nervous.

"Are we really ready to move back in together?" I think to myself.

"I think before we make any big decisions, we need to talk to the boys and maybe start things out slow." Luke says after a few minutes.

I just nod my head and we start eating our dinner. We are eating dinner in a comfortable silence and every now and then one of us will speak up.  After dinner and Luke pays the check, he walks me to my car.

"I'll come over tomorrow and we will talk to the boys." He says opening my door.

I simply nod and start to get in the car when Luke grabs my arm. When I turn, I'm met with his lips on mine. So much was said in that kiss. The first kiss that was shared in over a year.

(The Next Day)

The boys have been up for a couple hours and they are really excited that Luke is coming today.

"Bo, Tate, go out your toys in your room please." I say walking into the living room.

They both get up instantly and start picking up. It's not long before the doorbell rings.

"Daddy's here!" I hear Tate shout, followed by footsteps on the stairs.

I let him in and call for Til, Bo, and Tate to come to the living room.

"We wanna talk to y'all for a minute." I start off the conversation.

"Your mama and I went out last night alone and we got to talk and work somethings out. What do y'all think about me moving back home?" Luke asks the boys with a hopeful smile.

All three boys get a huge smile on their face and stand up to hug Luke.

"It's about time Uncle Luke." Til says patting Luke's shoulder.

Luke's POV

It's been a month since I moved back home and things are better than ever. Katie and I are still seeing a marriage counselor, but I know we still need it. She really seems to be helping too. Me and the boys are out at the pond on the property feeding the fish when Katie pulls up in her truck.

"I brought lunch boys." She says walking over to us holding a picnic basket.

We all gather around on the blanket and Katie is handing out the food. I look around at my family and they are all laughing and having a great time. I almost lost this. All of it. The love of my life almost walked away forever. I thank God everyday that she came back into my life. Even after all these years, she's still the one.

The End

AN:thank you all so much for reading this story. It's been fun to write. I have another Luke story in the works so stay tuned.

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