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i woke up staring at the ceiling surprisingly i didn't have any nightmares, maybe because of last night from Marcello kissing me. I couldn't lie i liked it..... there was something there; something i haven't felt in along time but, i didn't want Marcello to have that impression about me.

i placed my hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs, the blankets and pillows on the sofa was still there scattered. He must of left maybe i pushed him away.... I headed towards the kitchen causing a draft of cold air to hit me; the back door was open & Marcello was just standing there smoking? i never thought he'll be the type to smoke. The smell of weed hit my nostrils which then brought back memories of him, I slowly approached him touching his shoulder causing him to jump.

"the fuck..shit Armoire you scared me", he said with a serious face. "i didn't mean to i thought you left I'm sorry....", i just put my head down looking at my feet, "i'm sorry moire, i didn't mean to shout at you like that", while lifting my head up making me look into his chocolate brown eyes; "you should tell by now i really like you i wouldn't just leave you like that", i couldn't help but blush a little, what was he doing to me.

"i didn't know that you smoked... especially that", Marcello just chuckled a little, "why you don't like?", he said with a concerned face. "no not really... just gives me bad memories", i couldn't help but twiddle with my fingers; i looked back at Marcello and walked into the house with Marcelo trailing behind me like a lost puppy.
"Hey what's wrong", turning me around looking at me dead in the eye; "I've noticed there's something about you that you ain't saying", I couldn't help but let out a little sigh, "what makes you say that", screwing my face a little not showing no weakness. "You mess around with your fingers etc. Look down all the time & always bare quiet your insecure or some shit", I just chuckled at him, "just because I do that means I'm insecure? Never knew", I tried walking off but he just pushed me back a little harder than last time; "okay maybe it came out wrong but I can tell something is bothering you but you ain't saying nothing", i couldn't lie to him & keep it in any longer the way he was looking at me holding me with a firm grip, all my emotions started kicking in not realising that I shed a few tears.

"His name was Darius.... we went out for a year & a half, i thought he was the one treated me nice, loved me, cared for me everything a girl could imagine; but obviously it was a little too true.... he then showed his true colours. He pulled me away from my friends & eventually my family that i even don't really stay in contact with them that much, they try speaking to me until this day but at least i speak to them a little bit more than i did when i was with him. My self-esteem was gone he used to beat me to a bloody pulp, threatening to kill me everyday", at this whole time i broke down dropping to the ground as Marcello quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, cradling me like a new born baby. I felt so safe in his arms i grabbed on to him for dear life and wept waterfalls on his bare chest.

" i'm sorry baby.. I'm really sorry moire i wouldn't let anything like that happen to you, i swear I'm not gonna let you out my sight", planting sweet kisses on my forehead, I'm really falling for Marcello....

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