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The car ride to the hospital was silent, apart from the groans made every few minutes by Dana. Keeping one hand on the steering wheel every so often he held Dana's hand or rubbed her belly gently.

"What if it's a girl?" Dana asked breaking the silence.

"I'll love a girl." Kevin answered smiling at Dana's belly.

"But you know you want a boy deep down, I know you do. As do your Parents they want their family name to live, A little Kevin Ames Smith."

"I'd be just as happy with Esabella Ames Smith, as long as I don't have to deliver her myself." He said looking worriedly at his wife breathing heavily.

She focused on the traffic lights in the distance, thinking if these contractions were just the beginning, labor might be pretty bad, and if there were any other way to get this baby out, she would opt for it now! Dana was now trembling worse than before and was going significantly pale in the face.

"Here have some." Kevin said passing her a bottle of water.

She shook her head gasping.

"Dana please, you have to." Kevin panicked.

"I don't want the bloody water Kevin, keep your eyes on the road and hurry up." Dana shouted surprising herself and Kevin.

Kevin gripped the steering wheel tight his hands turning white, and started speeding down the road. Dana looked at him apologetically.

"You know I didn't-

"It's fine." Kevin barked.

Finally calming both of them they came across the hospital sign and quickly turned in parking right by the entrance doors. Kevin ran round to Dana's side and helped her out, then picked up Dana's over-night bag and carried that.  Having pre-registered at the hospital, he had barely given their names when they were admitted. In no time flat, Dana was in a hospital gown, with a fetal monitor strapped around her middle and the resident-on-call examining her. The contractions were coming every three minutes, then every two minutes, literally taking her breath. Through everything Kevin stayed and made sure Dana was comfortable and at ease, he massaged her neck and her back and peeled hair from her face, all the while he told her how beautiful she is. Dana begged to differ, Beautiful? She was sweating some much, her face pale,  her hair matted. She was a mess! But she clung to him, trying to believe every word he said.

The baby ended up coming fairly quickly, less then 7 hours after Dana's waters had broken. When the nurse picked up the new baby and showed the couple tears of joy came flooding out. Kevin squeezed Dana's shoulder tight and kissed her. The nurse came back minutes later with a clean looking baby wrapped in a warm blanket. She passed the bundle to Dana, being held tight in Dana's arms the baby started to open it's eyes. Kevin looked at Dana concerned, she was still very pale and looked to be still in pain.

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