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Evelyn's pov

I woke up to the sound of beeps, I looked around my surroundings to see I was in a plain white room with just a bed, a bedside table and a chair.

I think it's the hospital, I'm not sure because I have never been in one, not even when I was born.

I stood up, and the room span. I steadied myself and decided to try to find someone. I opened the door to be greeted by someone who I assumed was a doctor.

"Wow wow, what are you doing standing up. Come on sit down." The doctor Said. She looked around mid 40's and was quite pretty.

"Did It survive?" I asked when I'd sat down, "did the baby survive?"

"Yes, it's a girl!" She beamed.

I had never been more happier in my life. I broke down in tears.

"I-im sorry, it's just other times I got pregnant I had a miscarriage or the baby died as soon as it was born. I think I'll name her Rosie after my mum"

"Do you want me to bring her to you?" I nodded.

There was a Knock on the door just as the doctor was about to leave.

Three police men stepped in.

One was tall with bright blonde hair and tan skin, another was ginger and pale and the last had brown hair with piercing blue eyes. They all looked about middle aged and quite friendly, I suppose.

"Could we speak to miss evelyn please" one asked with a strong welsh accent. Let's call him police number 1

"Yes, but go easy on her she's quite sensitive" she whispered the last part.

They gathered around my bed.

"Now evelyn, we know all about your situation. Edward confessed everything." Police number 1 said.

As he said that police number 2 picked up a sheet with all my information about it.

"Ahhh, Evelyn Grey is your full name? Am I correct in saying that?" I nodded at police number 2.

"Edward was your father, he failed to tell us that." Police number 3 Said.

"He may be my blood but he is not my father" I spit.

"Is the child his?" Asked number 2, I nodded

"Now we just need to ask you a few questions that will back up what your father said, if what you say is the same as what he said, it will be used in court. Okay?" Police number 1 said.

I croaked a quiet 'yes'.

"Okay so he was always abusive, through your 17 years of life?" I nodded and police number 2 scribbled something down.

"He mentally, physically and sexually abused you and your mother? Yes?". I nodded again and police number 2 was still scribbling away.

"Her murdered your mother by hanging her when you were 13?" I nodded and tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly ripped it away.

"Okay that's all for now" number 3 said and they all left.

There was another knock on the door and a nurse came in, handed me the baby and walked out without a word.

I looked down at my child, Rosie. She was beautiful.

She had dark green eyes like me and the couple hairs that she did have on her little Head were a light brown.

"My sweet Rosie, I love you so much" I hushed. And started to rock her in my arms.

I looked on the table beside the bed and saw a TV remote, I picked it up and turned on the TV.

We had a TV once when I was 5 but Edward smashed it in anger. 

The news was on.

Tmz has reported that the 17 year old superstar shawn Mendes has awoke from his coma and is a stable condition in London hospital. It is said that he tried to kill himself by overdosing some pills. Fans were devastated and are sending him get well soon messages.

Shawn. Hes here in London. I don't know of we are in the same hospital but what are the chances. Maybe I'll see him.

I got up and sat Rosie in her cot that someone bring in when I was listening to the new. I lay back in bed and dreamt about shawn.


I woke up to Rosie screaming and crying. I looked over and saw Edward hovering over her. How was he here!

"GET AWAY FROM HER" I shouted. He didn't even move a muscle. "EDWARD I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TOUCH HER I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT." I screamed.

I took out something from his pocket and before I could react he stabbed the baby.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" I pounced on him, I kept punching and punching. I couldn't see what I was doing through my tears but what I did know that Edward was in the floor unconscious.

The door slammed and police came in and took Edward away and held me back. I kept screaming and thrashing about in the police mans arms. Words do not describe my hate towards the man that is my father.

Doctors ran in and took Rosie away and some more doctors came in and injected something into my arm.

I felt my eyes droop and I collapsed on the floor.


Shawn's POV

I awoke to screams And shouts. I hopped out of my bed and out of my room to see what all the fuss was about.

I saw police take away a man and other police and doctors trying to contain a screaming girl. I could really see her face because she was thrashing about.

My thoughts were stopped by my doctor shouting at me.

"Shawn! I thought I told you to stop wandering about, come on let's go."

He dragged me away.

I never got to see who the girl was, but I'll find her. There was something about her that was intriguing.


Woo 0 views

Lol i like this chapter because it's so hectic

Love you guys


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