Le droit de vote

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Living in the year 1789
The king is not going to be fine!
For us, the only solution:
Doing the revolution!
I guess it's not gonna be today
I wish we, people, would be respected in every way.

Getting deeper into my bed,
Can't sleep
With open eyes, I turn my head
What I'm looking at is breathtaking
A very shiny light
That's so bright, so bright
Is it a moon's tear that I see,
Falling slowly towards me?

And it fell; yeah it fell, in my hands
It fell, yes it fell, through the sky
Fell, it fell in my hands
It fell; yes it fell, through the clouds
It was a fairy,
And her name was Liberty

My whole life has been a fight,
For women's voting rights
But now that I'm pretty aged
Yet nothing has changed
The French woman, that I am,
Living in the 40s
Will probably never had the god damn
Chance to see if my dream comes... true

Walking in the streets like I use to
Somethin' catches my eyes
A very shiny light
That's so bright, so bright
Is it a sun's tear that I see,
Falling slowly towards me ?

And it fell; yeah it fell, in my hands
It fell, yes it fell, through the sky
Fell, it fell in my hands
It fell; yes it fell, through the clouds
It was a fairy,
And her name was Equality

I am a young adolescent
Living in France in 2015
At the info I'm lookin'...
Fiew, not Marine (L)...
We just neared the disaster,
The worst thing after Hitler,
Even though it's not the presidential,
Which would be worse after all!
Don't abuse your voting rights
Some candidates are serious nuts!

I suddenly get out,
I never saw the sky like that:
I don't believe in fairies,
So what's falling towards me ?

And it fell; yeah it fell, in my hands
It fell, yes it fell, through the sky
Fell, it fell in my hands
It fell; yes it fell, through the clouds
It was a fairy,
And her name was Fraternity

Voilà ! Une petite chanson pour rappeler le parcours de la France sur le suffrage universel et où on en est maintenant. Je l'ai écrite après les élections régionales de fin d'année.

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