Discovering the Truth

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Authors Note: Hey guys, this is my first attempt at a story, so it isn't going to be great at all. I'm having to turn it into NaNoWriMo for English class so I was really looking forward to some feedback. 


“Wait, don’t go up there!” I scream at the top of my lungs. Ellie takes off down the corridor and jumps onto the ladder that leads onto the 1st floor of Ryan’s house. I continue to scream her name until my voice is hoarse. I can’t hear her footsteps anymore. I am scared out of my mind. I would go after her, my poor Ellie, but it’s impossible since there’s a chain around my ankle holding me to this water pipe. I’m alone again in this dark, hot room. Sweating through my clothes, I can’t think of anything but Ellie up there, all by herself in this house with that madman running loose. I strain my ears to hear any hint that she’s okay but all I hear is the wind howling outside. I can’t tell if it’s day or night since I don’t know how long I was out when Ryan clonked me over the head. I can’t tell what day or even what year it is. All I remember about that cold, stormy night is that the year was 2001. I can’t remember much at all about anything else.

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