Chapter Three

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Author's Note: Remember, I'm not really an author, I just thought it'd be really cool to post this story on here and see what people think; it's not going to be great.

Chapter Three

I hear my alarm go off in my dream, I struggle to open my eyes but it’s so difficult. I’m caught between reality, or an amazing dream that, at the moment, I wish was true to the full extent. Although it’s heaven, it’s also extremely mysterious. I’m sitting on a lounger chair in the backyard of a house I have no idea whose is, but my mother is in it. So is Ellie, of course, she’s been in every dream I’ve had since mom past. All three of us are tanning at a pool in the random backyard, and just talking about anything that comes to mind. We’re drinking a smoothie that tastes like a blend of piña colada and watermelon, my favorite, even though it’s a mix that Jacqueline says is very nasty. Mom starts laughing at something in the distance which triggers the laughter of Ellie and I, mainly because mom has the funniest laugh I have ever heard, but also because we finally see what she’s laughing at: a dog is rolling over and over again in the beautiful, luxurious, green grass that has very vibrant monarch butterflies flying over it in the most random of places. There are also huge pecan trees that Ellie and I climbed at one point to eat the delicious nuts.  After that comical moment, Mom tells me she found the best hair dye that will permanently dye my hair a color like Jacqueline’s. Although that’s so unrealistic, since no hair dye would make my hair as glorious has hers, I believed her and was so excited to get home. After a couple of minutes, this gorgeous, bulk man came up to us three and stared at me like I was an angel in disguise. He brought us our nachos and complimented me, which made me feel like a million dollars. After that he said, “Once you meet me, you will forget” with the hardest glare he could have given the devil. I was so confused, first flirting, now giving me the death stare? It just didn’t make sense. But now that that man came and ruined a peaceful, relaxing dream I plan on waking up…..

Now, I think after I pinch myself. I open my eyes wide and look at the clock; only five minutes have passed since the alarm rang in my ear. I guess I must have clicked snooze unknowingly. Wouldn’t be the first time. I wake myself up all the way and spring out of bed. I slip on my house slippers and tread down the hallway to Ellie’s room. She may be more mature, but not in the sense of waking up. That’s the one job I can do: jump on her bed to get her out of it. She can never get up on her own so definitely relies on me for that small little job and I love doing it, seeing her brilliant smile shot towards me is the greatest thing I can think of. Surprisingly, she isn’t a mean grump when she first wakes up, which is another reason I absolutely love her guts. After I’m finished with that little “chore” we both sprint down the hallway to the kitchen; our hallway is pretty long, long enough to want to race each other to the food box. Ellie gets out the bagels and I grab the cream cheese from the refrigerator but something else catches my eye: what is THAT?

“When did we get Nutella?” I ask my sister who is also clueless.

“I guess dad picked it up on one of his craving sprees, must’ve been drunk like always cause he knows you’re not supposed to put that in the fridge.” replies my all too smart sister.

“Why’s that?” I wonder.

“You don’t know? If you put it in the fridge..” she opens the jar “it will harden and be pretty difficult to spread.. And you can’t put it in the microwave because then it may cause the oils in it to separate”, she answers my next question before I get the chance to ask it. That’s one thing I could never understand about her: she usually knows what I’m going to say. It’s like she was born a mind reader or something. But I guess since she’s had the joy of living with me all her life, she knows the way my mind works, like Mom used to. She always knew what I was about to say and it always amazed me as a child.

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