Chapter 1: Facing Him

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304 years later

"I totally love the fact that you don't mind shopping with me," a girl smiled at her boyfriend. They were walking the streets of shops, and she was obviously clinging to him with desperation. "I think that's so hot."

I shot a pink-glowing arrow at the girl's boyfriend from the roof of a coffee shop.

His forced smile became a real one. "I think you're hot." The couple laughed as they turned the corner.

"Hot? What about beautiful? Does anybody use that word anymore?" I sighed. "Pitch was right. There really is no such thing as love. If there was, I wouldn't have used arrows like this for hundreds of years." I sighed again and looked around.

"Aww look it's the new Saga game." A teenage boy pointed to the game displayed at the window of the shop out to his boyfriend. "Will you get it for me?"

"I uh--"

I shot him with a pink arrow.

"Of course I will!"

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "What a waste of arrows. They're already into each other. I can feel it. Anyone could see that." I lied on my side on the edge of the roof. I smoothed out my poofy, double-layered black skirt and evened out my red scarf as I looked for more unhappy teens.

The streets of this small town was busy for an autumn afternoon. Thanksgiving had passed and everyone was buying presents for their loved ones. I found it strange when it came to the children, but of course, most adults had forgotten the truth.

Santa Clause was real, and so was everyone else. Even Jack Frost.

I closed my eyes, and I recalled what I saw. The sight of Jack holding the Tooth Fairy and smiling at her after they defeated Pitch. A deep sigh escaped my lungs. Pitch was right. Jack had found another girl. Jackson Overland Frost was now a Guardian and loved another girl. He had found someone he truly loved, and it wasn't me.

I looked down at the ring on my finger. He had proposed, and I'd been forgotten. I rolled my eyes. There was no way I was going to cry here. But the image of Jack and the Tooth Fairy was engraved in my mind. "I get it!" I sighed and rolled onto my back. "Pitch was right. Jack found another girl. But I saw the proof four years ago! Leave me alone!"

"Cupid sounds more like a girl mommy."

I instantly sat up and looked over the edge of the building for the boy that stated that. He must have heard me, or he must have seen me before to say that. The boy was holding his mother hand as they walked down the streets.

"Now, Liel, according to the Roman stories, Cupid is a boy." The mother told Liel.

The other woman who walked with them laughed. "There is a possibility that Cupid is a girl. I read stories about it online. Have you seen HER before, Taylor?"

Taylor, the boy's mother, glared at the woman. "No, but I know the actual story."

"So Cupid is a girl?" Liel looked at the woman.

"Probably, but Cupid sounds too cruel to be a girl. Cupid has been greedy for a while." The woman laughed. "Cupidity. Anyway, if Cupid was a girl, she'd understand me and have a nice guy fall head over heels for me."

I couldn't help but raise a brow. "That's not how this works."

Taylor scolded the woman. "Please don't talk like that in front of my kid, Lucinda. We've been through this."

Lucinda shrugged, and the two women began having an argument over what Liel could hear. However, my attention was on the child, for he gasped as he spotted me. I waved at him, but he started tugging his mom's arm with excitement.

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