Chapter 2: Caught in a Tide

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Japan was going through a light winter in the early month of  December. I wiped some snow off the edge of the building. As always, I found comfort in the cold. I watched as a few kids built a snow man together. I let out a deep breath as I thought of the mess I was in. I had let so many teenagers down, and I couldn't reach every child as fast as I wanted.

Then, I realized Pitch always wanted me to be dependent of him. He couldn't wreak havoc of nightmares without the loss of love or some control over me. He always made me constantly depressed or afraid so that I would sloppily do my job.

I sniffled as I wiped a tear off my cheek. I took a deep breath and looked down at the kids who were throwing snowballs at each other. I smiled as the children laughed. I didn't want to be alone. But people needed me. I felt my transparent, golden wings appear and lift me off the building a bit.

The children laughed louder, and I couldn't help but listen. They began whispering to each other and pointed at me. I waved and hovered to the other side of the roof. I looked at the setting sun and smiled.

I began flying toward the Caribbean, my new home, but the wind felt colder than normal for the Caribbean. My brows furrowed as a soft chill touched my cheek.

I visited two orphaned children, and I gave them apples. They were twins. They were kicked onto the streets by their aunt. I flew them to my island after the sun set.

My island was small with many trees and beaten paths. It had been deserted by humans thousands of years before. My two-story house was hidden in the middle of the island where a few trees hid the top. My house looked much like a cottage, with a touch of modern materials used to hold it together as Father Time sought it would be better for the building.

I bandaged the twins' wounds. Father Time welcomed me into my home. He had black hair that was cut into layers that touched the top of his eyebrows. His blue eyes were a deep dark blue. He was tall and had broad shoulders as a twenty-four year old. The twins marveled at his long blue, hooded cloak with gold embroidery. He set tea for the twins. They ran to the table when he called for them.

"You act like an old man," the older twin said. "My grandpa would drink tea all the time."

Father Time laughed. "I get that a lot." He transformed himself into his ten year old form. "But I also get told that I act like a kid personality wise. I guess my grown up forms are a lot the same." He transformed himself back into his adult form.

The kids laughed. "You're magical!"

I smiled. "We both are, and so is the love that you two can hold for each other. You might not have a mom, but you have each other."

The twins looked at each other. The younger one said, "does that mean we have magic like you?"

"No, dummy," the older one said. "That means we can do awesome things because of the love we have as brother and sister!"

I let out a laugh, and I bent down to meet my gaze with theirs. "Don't forget that. Your love is stronger than any magic or nightmare in the world. Now, let's go home."

"But we want to stay here," The older one said.

"It's warm, and you could be our mom," the younger one said. "And you could be our dad!"

I smiled. "There are other little boys and girls who need our help too. And you need to go to bed," I said.

They sadly said their good-byes, and I flew them to an orphanage. They yawned on the way to the orphanage and fell asleep. I hid at the top of a building, hitting them with arrows to wake up. They knocked on the orphanage, and a man and lady welcomed them in.

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