chase her

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edited 10/21/2016

Jacob Janson was extremely, extremely annoyed.

It seemed, to him,  that his sister and friend held no regard for the idea of conspicuity. Why this could be occurring was beyond him, and he simply had resolved to lean against the corridor wall in silence as the two screamed at each other.  The marauders, eager to see a conflict between their friend and his blonde comrade, were watching on the other side. 

Luckily, classes hadn't yet released, but they would need to wrap up the arguing within the next thirty seconds if they wanted to maintain their dignity. 

Sirius, leaving his friends to join Jacob, grinned lightheartedly at the Ravenclaw as he joined him. 

"Just because I'm late to the show, would you mind explaining to me what's going on?" The shaggy-haired boy grinned, cocking his head towards the bickering teens. 

"Courtney was upset because James told her that maybe she shouldn't go on the next mission. 'sexism' and all that. Then it escalated to 'king and queen of Hogwarts' and 'One of us has to live' and all that shit. Now, as far as I can tell, they're arguing about feelings- Wait, no, I think they're ending it. Took them long enough," Jacob lazily recounted the events of the past ten minutes.

Sure enough, the two were winding down, or at least it seemed that way. Courtney and James had now moved much, much closer to each other, almost toe to toe. 

"Whatever. If you figure out whatever the fuck you're trying to say, come find me," Courtney muttered darkly, her eyes trained on James'. Then, she turned around and stalked down the hallway, the crowd parting to let her through. 

"I will!" James shouted, rolling his eyes as he turned back to the group of boys. 

"Jesus, girls are so touchy," he grumbled as they walked towards the dining hall for lunch. Remus grinned. 

"What were you talking about?"

"I'm just trying to tell her something, but I don't know how to say it!"

"You know how my sister is. Just come out and tell her. It's not like it isn't obvious to literally everyone but her, anyway."

"Oh wow, thanks. I'm glad, at least, that you haven't threatened me not to hurt her."

"With everything we've been through? I don't think I need to."

"The nerd has a fair point, Prongs."

"Always a pleasure to see you, Black."

"You too, booklover."

And with that, Jacob left to find his friends, and the marauders exchanged knowing glances. 

Peter turned to James, a grin on his face. 

"She's in the astronomy tower, mate. Go talk to her."

James cocked a brow. "And how do you know this?"

"Prongs, it's not hard to hear things around here, especially with the two of you being as popular as you are. Within seconds of you shouting at her as she walked away, her friend had already come up to me to tell me where she went."

"Just go, James. You don't want her to slip through your fingers like Evans did," Remus urged. 

and so it came to be that James Potter skipped yet another dinner for the sake of speaking to Courtney Janson. 

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