Selina and Gordon

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This chapter isn't much it's just to get this story started.

"Hey!!!" Gordon yells only to see Selina rob another jewelry store.

Selina starts to run down an alley and as she turns around she sees Gordon chasing her

Gordon yells "get back here you son of a bitch".

Selina looks at Gordon and she sticks her tongue out at him and says "try to catch me detective".

Selina starts to run and Gordon runs right behind her.Selina jumps and grabs on to a fire escape and climbs up.

Selina looks down to see that she had lost Gordon while climbing up the fire escape.

Gordon yells "where the hell are you?"

Selina turns around only to hear Gordon yell, making Selina want to smirk at Gordon's attempt to catch her.

Selina looks down and doesn't see Gordon.

So Selina climbs back down the fire escape and turns around and sees Gordon right in front of her.

Gordon says "hello there your coming with me"Gordon then puts handcuffs on Selina's wrist

Selina's tells Gordon "let go of me" but Gordon said "no".

Gordon then tells Selina "your under arrest for robbing a jewelry store".

Gordon then takes Selina to the GCPD.

"I only did it so I can buy food I'm freakin hungry" said Selina.

"Why didn't you ask for food?" Said Gordon.

"This is Gotham no one gives a crap about us!" Said Selina.

Gordon says "true".

"Soooooo you'll let me go" said Selina

Gordon said "No!"

"Then what the hell are you going to do with me" said Selina .

Gordon said "look I'm working on a tough case right now so I'm not going to put you in jail".

"Then we're the hell are you going to put me then" said Selina.

"I know some place safe" said Gordon.

"There's no were safe in Gotham" Said Selina.

"Yes there is...Wayne manor" said Gordon.

As Gordon and Selina get into a car and right when Gordon was going to take off he's stopped by Harvey

Harvey then tells Gordon "on your way back can you bring me a coffee".

Gordon looks at Harvey in disappointment.Gordon then nods and says "sure".

Gordon and Selina then take off and after about a 30 min drive they arrive at Wayne manor.

Gordon looks at Selina only to find her asleep.Gordon then starts to yell Selina's name and shake her.

Selina then wakes up and tells Gordon "we're the hell are we".

Gordon then tells Selina "Wayne Manor".

They get off the car and start to walk toward the door.Gordon then knocks the door.

The door knob then starts to turn and the door opens.

Please leave a comment on what you guys thought about this chapter?! 😄

This is just to get things started.

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