The Big Show

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The next day...

"Wake up sleepy heads" said Jerome.

Bruce and Selina wake up.

"Let us go" said Bruce.

"I can't do that, today's the big day"said Jerome.

"What's happening today?" Asked Selina.

"Well my magic show" replied Jerome.

"Are you hungry Bruce"said Jerome.

"No" said Bruce.

"I am...what about you Selina" said Jerome.

"Just a little" said Selina.

"See Bruce you can learn a thing or two from your girlfriend" said Jerome.

"So am I going to get food or not" asked Selina.

"I don't have any food on me my bad" replied Jerome laughing.

Jerome leaves the building.


"When was the last time you saw them" asked Gordon.

"At the manor " replied Alfred.

"What about you Silver" said Gordon.

"I was with Alfred...we were shopping" said Silver.

"Ok, so you two were shopping when this happened.

"Yes" said Alfred.

"Ok I'll go to the manor and see what I can find" said Gordon.

Alfred nods and walks away with Silver following him.

In the car

Silvers phone starts to ring. She then picks up her phone and answers it.

"Hello" said silver.

"So was the job done?" Asked the anonymous voice.

"Yes" said silver.

"Good, the plan is now in motion" said the anonymous voice.

Silver hangs up.

4 hours later.

"Alright where was the last time you saw them"said Gordon.

"The kitchen" said Alfred.

Gordon walks into the kitchen and looks around to see if he finds anything.

"The dishes are in the sink, so they probably finished eating" said Gordon.

"Bruce would of gone into his room" said Alfred.

Gordon and Alfred walk up to Bruce's room and silver takes a seat on the couch.

"Look his door is open" said Gordon.

"He never leaves his door open" said Alfred.

Gordon and Alfred and look around the manor.

"Look" said Gordon.

"The back door is open" said Alfred.

Gordon nods.

Gordon and Alfred look around in the backyard.

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