Chapter 8

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*Nobody's pov*

One day Naruto was watching the Senju brothers fight about being organized when he realized that if the two lived together the house would have been destroyed in one of their many argument. Naruto walked up to them and decided to ask " Tobi-jiji did you live together with Hashi-jiji?" Tobirama shook his head " I lived in a secluded house in the woods while Hashirama lived in the Senju clan house." Naruto's eye gleamed in excitement "can you show me please!! If you do I'll show you where I lived after the apartment Jiji gave me was unlivable due to the stupid villagers." Tobirama thought for a second before nodding " Okay I'll show you" he jumped up onto the nearest building, and began roof-jumping until he was at the edge of the Konoha's residential sector, then took to the trees. He quickly arrived at a small house set in a clearing in the trees. Naruto gasped "This is your old house" Tobirama nodded "why do you ask?" Naruto grinned " I stumbled across this small house by accident, and found a note inside proclaiming whoever found this place to be its new owner. Below the note was the deed to the house, and almost 10 acres of the forest around it. I was really happy since it seemed nobody ever came into this parts of the woods. When I was fixing the place up I found some really cool stuff like a pair of armor, a bunch of weapons like a naginata though the handle was broken and I had to make one personally. I think I also found your old headband though it was rusted like a lot of the weapons so I fixed those then I put them on weapon rack and I put your armor and headband on an armor stand I found while cleaning the attic. I sealed any personal items that may have belonged to you in a scroll and left it up in the attic. I also had to copy all the jutsus from the two medium scrolls onto a new one because the scrolls were really old and I had to be careful as I did this to make sure they didn't crumble under my hand. Anyways once that was done I placed it on a shelf I found in the back room. " Naruto explained as they entered the house. Tobirama and anyone who followed Naruto and the Nidaime were in awe at the very organized house of the Nidaime. Sasuke looked at Naruto " who forced you to be organized?" Naruto blushed " Kurama came out of the seal and henged into Mother and beat the living hell out of me for leaving ramen cups all around the house. After that well I decided to do a little spring cleaning and then I went overboard and did this. Though I though very intresting thoughts like ' How did Obito come up with his 'Tobi is a good boy' line?' Tobirama burst out laughing as Madara, Hashirama and Izuna froze. Naruto looked at the three shinobi "do you guys know?"they nodded and Izuna spoke first "Its something Tobirama-kun would say in a childish voice whenever he did something bad and lets just say he got in trouble alot especially around Madara since he liked pranking him the most. Apparently it got stuck in his head after a while" Naruto chuckled and motioned for Madara to continue. Madara sighed "well after I left the village I managed to get it out of my head, but when I infused myself with Hashirama's DNA the memory popped up into my head and got stuck there. One day when Obito asked me what his persona should be and I suddenly said 'Tobi is a good boy' and he decided to build around that. Its like your catchphrase of 'Believe it' its annoying, but we can't get rid of it. No offense, but your verbal tick of Dattebayo is better then yelling 'Believe it' all the time" Naruto growled and sent Madara back into his seal while destroying the body in the most violent way ever before making a new one and shoving Madara's soul into that one "piss me off again and that is what will happen to you still in the body. I will make you suffer so much that the last level of hell would seem like heaven got me Madara Uchiha. I've just about had it with your damn Uchiha asshole attitude" Naruto's eyes turned into a mox of the Rinnegam, the Kyuubi eyes, his sage eyes and the sharingan. Madara immediately cowered and hid behind Hashirama scared of the boy who's his soul was chained to. Hashirama patted his head as Naruto calmed down quickly while eating some ramen that he got out of nowhere. He sighed as he finished and sealed the bowl into a seal before looking at the blood stains on his house and made a clone to clean it. He smiled at the others " well I gotta go I got to go meet the othet Jinchuuriki's and Kage so Hashi-jiji, Tobi-jiji, Jiji, and Papa its time to go. " Naruto grabbed them using four tails that appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around them before he disappeared in a flash of orange. They appeared at in the neutral territory of the Land of Iron. They quickly went into the building they were using for the Jinchuuriki and Kage meeting. Naruto purred as he saw his fellow Jinchuuriki " Welcome fellow Jinchuuriki. I'm number 9, but before you introduce yourself let me tell you I already know each and everyone of you." He poked each one then touched each Kage except Yagura and Mei , The Godaime Mizukage who he had already given their memories back earlier " Now that you all are caught up lets get to the main issue no not Madara " He's still chained to my soul and is being a very good Uchiha while in the village especially with just happened. I'd like to say I missed you all and from today we will all go to Kumo and use that special island learn to control our tailed beasts perfectly. Then we will all let our tailed beast out and gain their trust and gain their chakra so that we all are able to fight Kaguya better" The other Jinchuuriki nod before Gaara spoke up "Naruto while you were speaking I looked over the memories of this life and I found that I was not born in Suna. I was born in Konoha and during the Kyuubi attack. I can clearly sense Kurama's chakra and I see you as a baby" Naruto and Minato hugged Gaara " Gaara it seems in this life you were born an Uzumaki and it also means your mother from your past life must of died giving birth to Kankuro or was killed after Kankuro was born." Gaara hugged Naruto back " guess this time we are brothers for real" Naruto nodded then turned to the Yondaime Kazekage and his eyes turned red in anger "your the one who stole my brother. Tell the Shinigami I sent you"Naruto quickly killed the man and let Kurama eat his body. He turned to Gaara "sorry about that, but I promised Jiji I would kill whoever took you away from me. He always was gonna side with Kabuto anyways so its best to kill him now."Gaara nodded. "Now mind telling me how the Sandaime is young, and how the Shodai, the Nidaime and the Yondaime are alive?" Naruto smiled and activated his rinnegan " I along with Sasuke got full sage powers from Old man sage and I used a couple of favors from Shini-jiji to revive Dad, Mom, Mito Uzumaki, Sakumo Hatake, Rin Nohara, Dan Katō, Hashi-jiji, Tobi-jiji. While Sasuke revived Izuna-jiji, Mikoto Uchiha, and Shisui Uchiha. I healed Itachi's eyesight and also replaced his sharingans with Sasuke's from our old life. Don't ask how I got them. Anyways after that I put Itachi's eyes into Sasuke's and healed those, then I healed Kakashi's eyes anc changed his non sharingan eye into a sharingan by replacing it with Obito's other eye from our old universe. I then strengthened his Uchiha blood and made it so he was 50 percent Hatake and 50 percent Uchiha which in turn allowed him to switch off his sharingan eyes. I also returned Konoha 12's memories as well as all the clan head and those I revived along with reaging Jiji, Tsunade, Jiraya and Orochimaru. Now Onoki-jiji lets get you back into your prime" Naruto used his jutsu and reversed Onoki's age until he was in his prime "there now you don't have to worry about back problems for many years to come and when you do I'll just deage you again. With me around we will never age or die. I mean seriously I have infinite amounts of Chakra probably from being touched by a god at birth twice if I may say. I got all my chakra from the first life and now adding this life's chakra " I actually destroyed training grounds 5-44 when I used a fire jutsu. Thank god I had the rinnegan and was able to repair everything before anyone noticed not even Saru-jiji noticed. I called the attack Katon: Glassed Earth no Jutsu. " Naruto smirked "then I added it to another jutsu that was just as powerful called Fuuton: Kami's Kaze no Jutsu to create Combination Technique: Blazing Maelstrom which destroyed all the training ground and a huge chunk of the wall surrounding Konoha. I managed to fix it by spamming clones though I was out for a few hours later as my clones though it was funny to poof away at the same time" Sarutobi stared at Naruto and sighed " I don't even wanna know who taught you that fire jutsu" Naruto grinned "It wad Bunta's son Gamakichi (A/N:Did I spell his name right? Correct me if I didn't) I learned it so I could do a combo with Bunta using his toad oil technique."Sarutobi sighed and looked at the other kage "at least your Jinchuuriki behave like you want them to. He manages to clam down when he's older, but as he is now with double his chakra that causes his ADHD I don't think Konoha will survive till the time to fight Kaguya comes" Sarutobi was patted on the back in sympathy by the other Kage


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I kinda sped up the story line cause I got a bit bored while writing this chapter and for those who wanted Gaara to appear well he came in early. Well I shouod get started on the next chapter. Please comment and tell me how I'm doing.

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