chapter seven

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~chapter starts here👇~

~your pov~

"I hope I didn't sound desperate.." I said with A little embarrassment. " no not at all. you must have went through a lot. if it makes you feel better when I was younger I lost my dad. he was the only parent I had... I can understand that feeling." then he looked at me and eye smiled like always. I smiled back and we continued to walk through the streets of konaha. we neared a book shop and I saw a series called ' make out paradise'. I picked the book and up and read the back. as I was reading it kakashi had picked 3 books of the series out. the story was made by a 18 year old named something sage. After reading the back of the book I decide to get it. "so your gonna read that? I gotta warn you it's pretty inappropriate." then what are you doing reading it hmm", I said with a smirk. his whole face went red and he looked away. " we-well I just hap-happened to like it I-I guess." I just laughed and went to pull out my money then he spoke" what are you doing". paying for my book." are you Crazy put your money away I got it". w-what no I couldn't possibly do that to you." too bad. one of the penalty of having a boyfriend is they pay for you all the time. and besides I have too much spending money. I have to use it for something". I sighed in defeat and let him pay for my book. " is this the only book you want?", he asked me. " um yea". bullshit. I see you reading a lot of new books everyday. get what you want." b-But", then he glared at me. "*sigh* fine." I looked around and saw another series of make out paradise. there were only 4 books of the other series, and for make out paradise there were 4 as well. I grabbed all 8 and went to kakashi. " so you like them now huh?" I blushed and spoke" don't  judge me it sounds like a good series." he chuckled and grabbed my books and went to the counter. He payed for my books and grabbed my hand and we left.

~what you didn't know was a couple was watching g you 2 and the women spoke:
women: why don't you do stuff like that for me.*slaps her husband*~

we were walking and talking until I saw anime movies on sale. I didn't want to be a bother so I stayed quiet. he looked at me then the movies. " you suck at hiding things." with that we went to the movie shop and looked at the anime series. " I really don't want to be a bother." you're not being a bother. get the movies and books you want and then we'll go to a ramen shop. and the last place we'll go to is the festival that's going on tonight. it has rides,Games and haunted houses. and if we get the wrist bands we don't play for anything else but games and food." you sound like a sales host". we both laughed at my comment. we got our movies and left for the ramen shop. we finally got there and Sat down and ordered. " when we do the chunin exams Your going straight to the jonin exams. that's really cool." oh um yea I hope I make it into it." they wouldn't offer you it if they didn't think you couldn't do it." well that is true. but  i can't help but think that maybe hanare might ruin it for me. she did say that the next time basically talk or see me, she's going to make me cry." if she does I'll put her in her place." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.he put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. " and she called me a hoe, like who does that?!" I turned around and saw hanare sitting down 2 seats away from me talking to a friend. " well first things first I'm going  to make sure she never ever speaks to me like that again", hanare said sternly. he friend spoke" you do know hanare she's a jonin level basically. I wouldn't pick a fight with her." well she had no right to embarrass me like that and for her to do it in front of my future husband ugh". you mean kakashi? isn't he dating her?" yes but not for long. something tells it's gonna end very very soon. hey who owns this dump I've been waiting for more than 5 minutes." then me being the person who corrects people when their wrong I spoke" actually 4.23 minutes. and it's unwise to be rude to the shop owner, your able to be kicked out." hmph don't tell me how long I've waited  you little pest", she said to me which I rolled my eyes at. " I cannot believe you called me a hoe. I'm never gonna talk to you ever again." whatever hanare. I could care less what that big mouth of yours says." she glared at me and ordered her food. "you think because you have someone who you think cares about yo-", she was then interrupted by kakashi" that's enough hanare stop being rude to her. you always say mean things to her and I swear if I hear one more thing from you that's rude to her I promise you I know some girl's that will screw you up."  ugh you have him manipulated don't you you pig in human clothing." whatever.  hey kakashi?" I turned to kakashi. " can we take it to go?" yea. um excuse me sir can we take it to go?" the man nodded and handed us our food then we left.  " hey (y/n) do you have a yukata. they're traditional for festivals." I used to have one but they took every thing I owned that was at my parents house." then that's something we can do after were done eating. were gonna get you a new one then." ugh books,movies,lunch, and now a yukata? ugh your spoiling me to much", I said with a glare. " well I don't care what you say. you're gonna get one. why don't you want me spend stuff on you, all girl's like that." I'm not like all girl's I feel bad when I spend people's money..." don't feel bad i'm okay with it honestly."

~chapter ends here👆~


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