chapter 9

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~chapter starts here~👇

(your pov)

after dinner me and kakashi left. It was could out and I started to shiver. kakashi looked at me and took his jacket off and put it on my shoulders (Yes he mysteriously had a jacket on so what bruh). I looked at him and smiled while blushing. we decided to walk around the park for a little bit even though it's dark. their were lights on so it wasn't that dark. a bench neared us and we Sat at the bench. it was a very calm night and everything was amazing. I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine. I stared up at the starry night, the sky was so beautiful at night, constellations were seen everywhere over the sky, it was beautiful.  we Sat there for what seemed like forever. I held his jacket close to me and smiled. I felt tired from the all the activities that we did today. I felt him lift his head up and he grabbed my hand, gently of course. I looked at him confused. " want to go home now?" To be completely honest I didn't want to go home because I wanted to be with him. " yea I guess." he smiled and picked me up bridal style. " hold on okay" I nodded and smiled.  He jumped building to building. we had finally arrived at my apartment and he opened the door for me. I flicked on the lights and the light filled the room. kakashi stood there awkwardly and I smiled. " you can sit down if you want to", I spoke in a sweet manner, he blushed and came to the couch. he Sat down and I Sat down next to him. all I could think about was whether or not to ask him to stay. kakashi looked at me and smirked. " you want me to stay the night don't you?" my face went red and I nodded. " what's wrong?",he asked worryingly. " it's just, I've never had a guy over..especially someone I'm dating." he smiled and Sat closer to me. " well you don't have to be nervous you know, I'm not gonna do anything." I know you wouldn't hurt me." he held me close to him and I cuddled up to him and smiled. I lived his scent, it was a soothing and calm smell. it's so crazy someone who lost his father is so caring and so sweet towards someone like me. My eyes were drooping and felt like I was gonna fall asleep any minute. that is till he picked my up and started walking to my room. I held onto him and smiled softly. he laid me down on my bed and walked to the other side. he then laid beside me and looked at me. " your face is really red." yea I know." he kissed my head and held onto my waist and I cuddled up to his chest. for someone who is 13 he's well built. " hey kakashi?" yea." I- I love you." he kissed my forehead and smiled. " I love you too." I put my arm over his body and cuddled closely to him.

~awww da fluffynesss.~

I woke the next morning and I noticed kakashi was still asleep. he looked so peaceful when he sleeps. 'if only he didn't wear that mask....'i thought to myself. I put my hand on his cheek and put my fingers under his mask, I was about to pull it off, when I felt him grab my wrist. " what do you think you're doing?" he asked me groggy. " I" he looked at me and smiled through his mask. " honestly. such a troublesome girl." he kissed my forehead and got up.  " I'm not a troublesome girl", I mumbled. " oh really?" I heard him say from the bathroom.  " mhm I'm not". I heard the door open than a dash of someone came at me and started to tickle me. " n-no, aha. s-stop-aha", I tried to say in between laughter. " who's a troublesome girl?" he asked with a hint of amusement. " I-I aha am."  he let go and smiled at me.  " honestly," he said smiling. " what do you wanna do today?" I asked smiling and wiping my tears from laughing.  " I didn't plan anything really." he said looking at me. " I know what I want to do", I said really excitedly. " and what's that?" he asked smiling at my fail of a cuteness. " never mind", I said feeling like a nerd I was leaning against the table and he put both hands on the table by my sides to trap me and he spoke softly but so demanding. " what is it you want to do (Y/N)." my face turned red and I looked away. he leaned in close and whispered in my ear softly but yet again demanding" you better tell me." his breath on my neck made me shiver he noticed and chuckled. He turned around and went to the kitchen. I Sat on the table and watched him. he got out stuff to make and turned towards me. " do you want anything in particular to eat." anything is fine", i said smiling. "hay (y/n)?" he spoke. I hummed in responsible and he turned towards me. "are we going to fast i mean we've only been dating for 2 weeks?"( I'm sorry i meant to put that in the other chapter but I'm to lazy). I looked up at him. "i don't think that. I've never had anyone love me so i don't know if its to fast." he looked at me and chuckled. " i could tell past night. If any girl felt a girl put his hand around her waist she'd flip out." my eyes darted at him. " so you were taking advantage of me". he looked at me waving his hands frantically. " no! i just really love you and i just wanted to hold you safely." my face reddened and i smiled. " i know. You're not that type of guy." he walked towards me and and softly grabbed my chin and looked me in the eye. " i love you. A lot actually." i smiled and he kissed me softly. i kissed back of course. i really like him a lot.  he pulled away and smiled. he put his forehead to mine. " i love you a lot too".

~i'm so mean ive kept you guys waiting. Well sorry I've been going through some stuff and i was very sad. please comment what u think 😓😓 i need to know if i'm doing okay~

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