ChApTeR 2

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Omfg this is not a fucking dream today I actually meet Duhitzmark and he might even like me... But what if he dosnt? A million thought rushed through my head but I couldn't let them out as I woke up at 5am to make sure I would be ready for 12 when we head down to Bristol City too meet Mark and Jacob. I knew who would be up: one of my bestfriends Shamiyah Idecided to text her as she was coming with me to meet Mark. She had just as big a crush on Jacob as I did on Mark.
I texted Shamiyah:
(MADDIE)Marks Hoe😊💦👑: Fuckkkkkkk today we meet Mark & jacob I'm having breathing problems help the major fangirl attack!!!!
(MADDIE)Marks Hoe😊💦👑: Sry but cmon I'm meeting Mark Thomas aka the holy god of girls wanna ft texting is so exhausting🙄😅
(SHAMIYAH)Jacobs Slag🌚💍👭: Ikr & k bxxxxx

I FaceTimed Shamiyah for 4 hours showing eachother out outfits and doing out makeup  until it was 8. Shamiyah looked stunning
Shamiyah: "Your look body,face... Everything goals !"
Maddie: "Ha no don't lie Shamiyah it's you!"
We got into who looks better argument for half an hour until I said I better go and get changed and wash my hair. Buy 9am I was ready and decided to ride on my Segway to Dericks House. Derrick was my gay bestfriend who when I was tired of all the girly drama I could just visit him for a laugh. We had a great Friendship.

Derricks Pov:
I was sat in my room watching Dan and Phil on YouTube when a small stone hit my window. I looked out the window to see just who I had expected: Maddie.
Derrick: "Oi what have I told you about throwing stones at my window"
I said jokingly. She smiled up at me with her beautiful smile. Ever since I met Maddie all those years ago I had loved her. She fell in love with my brother Dan and they went out for a while but that relationship didn't last when Dan put on weight and started hitting her. I had a right go at him. In 5th grade I had the courage to ask out Maddie, in the kindest way possible she said no. I couldn't face the humiliation so I lied to her and told her I was gay anyway but not to tell anyone exept close friends. It wasn't a hard lie to believe as I was a feminine boy and most of my family thought I was gay anyway. And right now she is fangirling over a younow boy called Mark, I was worried for when she meets him, I feel like I will lose Maddie forever as she is a fit girl crushing over a fit boy; they might get together who knows. I ran down the stairs pulled out my Segway and went out just to hang out with Maddie.
Maddie: You know what day it is don't you?
Maddie smirked,
I rolled my eyes.
Derrick: The day you meet ma-
I was interrupted by Maddies squeal
Maddie:Just his name gives me the feels!
Derrick: I wish I could go with you..
Maddie: No you don't! You would be such a killjoy. You hate Mark and Jacob!
Derrick: No I don't
Maddie: Yeah you do I see you giggling at the Ricegum and LeafyisHere hate videos against them
Derrick:Yeah I guess....

Maddies Pov:
I didn't have that much fun today with Derrick he seems to be moody about something... Oh well I will find out after I meet Mark I can't let him kill my vibe.
It was half 10 now I didn't realise how long I had been out for so I had to just eat a cereal bar in the car on the way to pick up Shamiyah cuz my mum can't stand bieng late to anything. When Shamiyah got in the car the squeaking fits started my heart was racing at the thought of seeing Mark every post I'd liked, every tweet I'd retweeted, every broadcast I listened to, every YouTube vid I have watched all led up to this: meeting Mark. 

Hey guys  Mark was supposed to be in this chapter but I thought I would build up a bit of a storyline first also you might of guest chapters will be quit long, Promise Mark is in next chapter tho! Xx

Meet&Greet; A duhitzmark fanficWhere stories live. Discover now