Part 11: RyanXJosh part 2

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I decided to keep you guys on a cliffhanger with Ricky and Chris for one more day! WAHAHAHAHA! For now, just enjoy Ryan and Josh!

Josh p.o.v
I finally decided to build up confidence to talk to Ryan about how I feel! I've been laying in bed thinking for about and hour, debating if I should tell him. I decided I couldn't hold it in any longer. I'm telling him tonight! It's 2am though. I hope he's still awake. I leave my room and go down the hallway towards the room Ryan is staying in.
Ryan p.o.v
I've been sitting on this thought for an hour. I'm not sure if I should tell Josh how I feel just yet. But the sooner the better. He probably isn't awake though. It's 2 in the morning! If I wake him up at least that means I went as far as going up to him. I'm getting up and telling him right now! I leave my room and go to his.
Josh p.o.v
I'm walking down the hallway and I see a black figure advancing toward me. I turn around to go to my room when I feel a hand grab my arm.
Ryan p.o.v
As I walk down the hallway I see a shadow like figure coming towards me. It turns around and heads to Josh's room. I quickly realize that it's Josh and I grab his arm. He jumps and looks at me. I lead him to my room, go in and turn on a light.
Josh p.o.v
"Ryan?" The figure lead me into Ryan's room and turned on a light, making me see Ryan's face. "Yeah it's me Josh" Ryan softly says. "Thank goodness. There's something-" "I wanted to-" "tell you." We both said at the same time.
Ryan p.o.v
"Haha. We're already finishing each other's sentences" I joked. "Are you suggesting something here?" Josh said. "I've been thinking about this for a while. You know Chris and Rick are dating, right?" I asked. "Yes. I think we are all fully aware" Josh laughed. "Well I want what they have... with... You" I can't believe I finally told him. I feel so proud of myself.
Josh p.o.v
Did Ryan just say that? Does Ryan like me back?! "Really?!" I said very hopeful "Yes! Is that okay?" Ryan was so adorable. He's was blushing so much. "Of course it's okay. I was actually going to tell you the same thing! Seeing Chris and Ricky makes me want to have someone special in my life. And I think that someone is you, Ryan!"
Ryan p.o.v
Josh is blushing like crazy! I had no idea he felt that way about me. I guess this is what they call fate. "Joshua Joseph Balz, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked.
Josh p.o.v
"Joshua Joseph Balz, will you be my boyfriend?" I almost fainted, hearing those words exit Ryan's mouth. I was so happy I could barely speak. "eek" is all that came out of my mouth. I probably looked as red as a strawberry and my mouth was wide open. Ryan laughed. "I'm taking that as a?" Ryan said. "YES!!!" I screamed. I hugged Ryan for at least a solid 10 minutes.
Ryan p.o.v
When Josh hugged me, it felt like paradise. The feeling of Josh's body grabbing mine felt so good. We sat there in silence for at least 10 minutes. When he finally let go I asked "want to sleep in my room tonight? I get lonely in here by myself" Josh smiled from ear to ear
Josh p.o.v
"Sure! I'd love to spend the night with my boyfriend!" I replied. Words cannot describe how happy I am. I'm still wondering what the others will think. They accepted Chris and Ricky so they should accept Ryan and I. Enough worrying for tonight. I'm just going to enjoy my night.
Ryan p.o.v
"I love you, Josh." I whispered
Josh p.o.v
"I love you more, Ryan" I whispered back

Awe!!! Is it bad that I'm fangirling over my own fanfiction? 😋 I honestly hope you liked this. The Chris and Ricky cliffhanger will be over tomorrow!

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