Part 14: RyanXJosh part 3

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Josh pov
I just woke up. Man I'm tired. I was up so late. At least last night wasn't a dream. Beside me there's a sleeping Ryan Sitkowski. Cutie. It's currently 9am. I guess it's time I get up. *knock knock* "who is it?" I ask. "It's Angelo. Do you know where Ryan and Josh are?" Oh it's Ang! "Yeah its Josh speaking. Ryan is asleep next to me, so stop shouting Parante!" The door opens followed by a flash. Ryan groans and slowly gets up. "What was that?" he asks. Angelo is just giggling behind the half opened door. "Did you just take a picture of us?" Angelo is still laughing his ass off. "Hey what's going on--oh hey guys" Ghost came up behind Angelo. He too, took a picture of a shirtless Ryan and Josh. "Well lets have a fucking party then!" I say sarcastically. "Well what I was gonna say is we have a tour in Canada coming up starting next week. So you guys better start packing. Chris and Ricky are bringing the van tomorrow" I've always wanted to go to Canada!! This tour is going to be awesome! "How about you get out of our room and let us get dressed before we even talk about packing bags!" Ryan says. Ah I love him. Angelo and Devin leave so Ryan and I are left alone. "Hey cutie" I smile at Ryan. "Morning Balzy" I got up and threw his shirt at him. "'Sit the fuck down' and put your shirt on" (please tell me someone else knows that reference) "ugh fine"

*skip to later in the day*
Ryan pov
Chris and Ricky came to Angelo's place and Chris told us about some creepy dream he had last night and thinks it'd be safer if I came with him to get the van instead of Ricky. I think he might be right about this. Ash did seem pissed that night. I don't want anything happening to Rick. So being the nice guy I am, I agreed to go. I can't wait to tour again. It'll be such a nice break from reality. I hope we don't have any outdoor shows though. I heard it's cold in Canada! I can't wait!

Welcome baack! Whatcha think? Please tell me what should happen next so I'm not stuck on one thing :p. Thanks for reading!!

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