Chapter 7

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I've never felt so bad in my life. My head feels like I have been shot, my stomach feels like it could explode, and my throat hurts so bad! There is no way in the world I'm going to school today. "Emma get up!" My mom screams from the kitchen. I didn't even have enough strength to yell back. I just buried my face into the nearest pillow and pulled my blanket on top of me. I could hear my mom stomping up the stairs. The only times I hate my mom is when I'm sick. She either treats me like a baby or gets made at me saying I can take care of myself. She wants me to be a little girl my entire life. But maybe I don't want to be a little girl anymore. Babies are too needy and whine all the time, honestly it's exhausting just think about it. I never ask for help, even if I really need it. There is no point in whining because I'll just get slapped in the face. I feel like there is no one I can trust, my mom is terrible at secrets.

"Emma, you better be dying!" She yells at me in a sarcastic voice telling me that she is not mad at me. It somehow makes me feel a little bit better.

"Sweetheart, you look terrible," She coos to me as she walks into my room not realizing that the door was shut for a reason, so she wouldn't get sick.

"Do I need to stay home and take care of you?" She asks sympathetically as she puts her freezing cold hand on my burning head.

"No I'm fine, I think I lay in bed without anyone's help," I say to her giving her a slight smile. I still haven't told my mom about dad wanting her to get another job. I don't have much longer until my dad has to find a way to kill me. I hope he gives me drugs so it will be more of a silent and deadly death. I don't want to die in pain either, but that's a different story.

My mom just gave me a big hug and walked out of my room. I'm guessing that's code for okay what ever you want, just don't burn the house down. I could do that if I wanted to but in this lazy state all I want to do is sleep. I turned my head to the window and the brightness made my head explode with pain. I never was a big fan of the sun anyways. I'm one of those people that sleeps during classes and then can't sleep at night. The good thing about sleep is that you can forget about everything for awhile and dream about a fantasy world where everything is perfect. Before I knew it my eyes were closed and I was now in fantasy world.

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