No one messes with a Lennox (11)

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Universe: Bayverse
Characters: Annabelle Lennox, Ironhide, William Lennox, Sarah Lennox, and others.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Cursing and drinking
Plot: Annabelle gets stood up at prom


"Oh, Honey you look so lovely," Sarah gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Young Annabelle blushed once she reached the final step of the Lennox house. William sat up and leaned on his knees as he looked over to see his daughter.

"Absolutely stunning," He smiled. Annabelle tucked a piece of strawberry blonde behind her ear.

"Thanks, guys," She smiled brightly although her embarrassment was clearly written across her face. Sarah rose from the couch and made her way over.

"I just knew as soon as I saw that dress, green was your color," Sarah said and examined her recently curled hair.

"She looks nice in every color," Will chuckled as he stood as well.

"Will, go get my phone I want a picture with my kid," Sarah told him placing a hand on her hip.

"Mom, it's getting late. He's going to be here any minute," Annabelle rose an eyebrow as she laughed.

"I know, I know but you've just grown so much! You look beautiful sweetheart and I want to remember this," Sarah insisted.

"You'll say that next year...its only junior prom." Annabelle snorted under her breath. William returned with the phone and gestured for Sarah to get closer. Sarah wrapped an arm around her daughter and they smiled. William took the photo and Sarah rushed over.

"Now you! Oh, wait! One on the porch! The sun setting will be so pretty!" Sarah urged as she ran out the door. Annabelle and William laughed as they trailed behind her. William wrapped an arm around Annabelle's shoulders and brought her close in a tight hug.

"You're going to blow away all the other girls. I know it," He teased. Annabelle snorted.

"You're just saying that cause you're my dad," She rolled her eyes and looked upward at him. He laughed and shook his head.

"Nope, not this time." They exited outside and Sarah was gesturing them to hurry as she backed up.

"Alright, sweetie just put your hand on the rail!" Sarah yelled as she was a good distance away as she took a photo. Ironhide grunted from the side of Sarah from the yell. He didn't dare complain as he was then woken from his stasis. Annabelle huffed.

"Mom!!" She whined. Sarah chuckled and they smiled. Sarah took the photo. Ironhide transformed and looked forward to the Lennox family curiously. Annabelle looked up at him and made her way to him as her parents looked at the photo. Ironhide blinked his blue optics at her in slight confusion. She rested her hand on his leg as he crouched to her.

"According to the human internet, you're dressed more formal than usual. Why?" He asked. Annabelle stifled a laugh.

"I'm going to party at my school. It's important to high school students to attend this party." Annabelle explained. Ironhide nodded his helm slowly.

"When will you return?"

"Lucas will most likely drop me off at 9." Annabelle shrugged. Ironhide rose an optic ridge.

"Lucas? Who is this human?" Ironhide narrowed his optics in suspicion.

"'s also very traditional for a boy to ask a girl to this party and for them to pick them up and drop them off," Annabelle bit her lip. Ironhide paused in surprise.

"I have not met this Lucas. I wish to meet him before you run off with him." Ironhide spoke firmly in determination. Annabelle groaned.

"You can't 'Hide! Your cover, remember?" She placed her hands on her hips as he began muttering Cybertronian curses under his breath.

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