Chapter 1

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I crouched in the corner, shaking. It was December and there was no heat in this basement. Nights were the worst but lucky for me the night was passed. I sighed in relief as I saw the first rays of sunlight come up.

Slowly, I got up. My body was sore and tired but who's wouldn't be if they took that beating last night. When I winced I took a look at the ribs on my right side. Pushing on them softly I found that they were only bruised. After so long I had taught myself enough to take care of most if not all the wounds made on my body. Once I wrapped them I moved over to the box I was able to keep my clothes in.

Taking a minute to look through the box I decided on my jeans, an old, baggy t-shirt, an even baggier hoodie, and some old tennis shoes and socks. Once I was dressed I made my way to the little half bathroom where I was able to do a quick brush through of my hair and brush my teeth.

Throwing my hair into a ponytail and grabbing my backpack I started my way upstairs. If I hurried I would be able to cook breakfast and pack my father and brother their lunches before heading to school where I could catch the free breakfast that was offered. Scurrying around the kitchen I made some bacon, eggs, and toast for their breakfast. Then making some sandwiches I put them in brown paper bags with chips, a drink, and their names written on them.

As soon as I was done with their food I picked up my backpack and headed out the door. The walk to school wasn't usually bad but it was on the farther side and I couldn't risk being late. One call to my father and I would end up with more then a bruised rib.

By the time I reached the school most of the parking lot was full. Only the few handicapped spots and some empty slots were open. As I walked I looked at all the different cars. I had to admit I was a bit jealous. I would never ride in something like what they had. But that ping of jealousy was gone quickly. I liked to walk. It was easy to loose myself in thought. My mind was the one place that I could just have to myself.

Switching my line of vision, I headed to the cafeteria. It wasn't a far walk from where I entered the school and once I entered my body relaxed a fraction. The warmth felt good after walking though the snow.

For the most part I was used to the cold of Boston, Massachusetts but the mornings were hard on everyone. By bundling up and staying in warm place it was easy to keep the chill away. Living in a basement made that a bit harder but it was still doable.

As I entered the cafeteria I could feel all eyes on me. From experience I knew my best bet was to keep my head down and eyes on the floor. Chances were if I didn't make eye contact with anyone I wouldn't be confronted and that's all I wanted. As soon as I could I entered a line and grabbed one of the breakfast choices supplied. Then I continued to walk to the checkout stand.

"Good morning, Melodie-Rose! It's great to see you," smiled Susie, one of the lunch ladies. She was very kind. Every once and while she would bring in a small bag of clothes, extra food when she knew the school was on break, or small items that she knew I could sneak in with my backpack.

I gave her a small smile and nod as I pressed in my school ID. Then turned and headed to my normal corner of the cafeteria by the trash cans where no one else wants to sit. After eating I threw my trash away and headed to my locker.

As I neared my locker I sighed. The door of my locker was absolutely ruined. Mean words as well as drawing were all over is. The newest word being written in pink cursive.


I stood there and starred at it for a minute. I knew I wasn't what these words said and they were the least of my worries. But it still hurt that my peers who know nothing about me would think so poorly of me.

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