Chapter 10

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Your PoV
We all went back to sitting and laughing and then I heard some yell my name. "Y/n!" He said. I turn around and I saw my friends Tim and Max. This Max was a ginger and had slight stubble. "TimTam! Max and Cheese!" I scream getting up and hugging them both. "Good to see you to Y/n" Max said patting my back. I pulled away they hadn't changed a bit. I motion them to come sit down and they so as asked. "Guys these are my other friends Tim and Max, Tim and Max, this is Adam, Alesa, Jess, Shelby, Phoebe, Ross and my boyfriend Max" I say pointing to each. They both wave. Max(g)
G will stand for ginger
Sat next to me and I messed up his hair. He looked at me pissed off. "C'mon don't be-" I say but was cut off by Tim. "Mad Max." It was the name we gave him when he got mad sad glad ect. He hit Tim and I upside the head when Tim said mad Max everyone started cracking up. Max(g) gave up trying to convince us to stop. After that Ross asked the two if they wanted to join the team. They both said yes and we all headed to my cabin. Phoebe pulled some strings and got Tim and Max(g) to be in our cabin. I was so excited as I fell asleep that the camp games were tomorrow. I woke up and so did everybody else as we all got dressed and headed to the quad where all the teams would meet. "Lady's and gentleman, thank you for entering the camp games. This is a one all day game event for a chance for the winning team to get five hundred dollars per player!" The crowd erupted. "Let the games begin!" We all went to the beginning of the course. We were had way through and having a blast. But then someone through a rock at Max's head he was out cold. I knelt down next to him. "Max!Max!" I say praying to God that my boyfriend wakes up. He eventually opens his eyes. I sigh with relief. "Max are you okay?" Phoebe asked. How he responded killed me. "Yeah Phoebe I'm fine but... Who are all these people?"
To be continued
What do you guys want to happen? I may not respond but I do read all of my comments! Lear a comment on what you want to happen

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