PART THREE:: the angst

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Riley didn't particularly want to see Maya, but she wasn't about to tell her that. She wanted to sit in bed and scream into her pillow, waiting for the ache in her chest to go away. Instead, she sat at the bay window and waited for her best friend.

When Maya finally did come through the window, silence followed. There had been several instances before this when they sat in silence, but all of those occasions had been comfortable. This was the opposite of comfortable. Maya was the first to break the silence. "Riles... say something."

"Something." Riley muttered, refusing to look at the blonde. She knew if she looked at her, she would feel the same way she felt when she saw her with Lucas. Maya made it impossible to avoid eye contact by grabbing Riley's shoulders, softly turning her towards herself.

"Riley, we have to talk about this." Maya put a finger under her chin, lifting her face until they were eye level. "Please talk to me."

Riley hesitated before making eye contact, and that was when the words came spilling out. "You want me to talk to you? Fine. I'm upset, Maya. I thought Lucas liked me, I thought he wanted to be with me, and then I saw him kissing you. I always knew he had feelings for you. I guess I just thought his feelings for me were stronger." she paused. "And I thought you cared about my feelings."

Her last sentence caused Maya to go silent, her mouth opening slightly like she was going to say something but had nothing to say. Minutes passed as she thought of what to say. "I do, I do care about your feelings, but you have to understand I have feelings too. I really like Lucas, Riley. I can't just stop liking him."

"But I would never do that to you, Maya! I would never kiss him!" Riley argued, her tone shifting from heartbroken to angry.

"He kissed me! He likes me, Riley! Why aren't you happy for me?" Maya asked, Riley's anger causing her to move away from the brunette.

"I can't be happy for you when I'm feeling bad for myself!" Riley shouted.

The argument was interrupted by Farkle climbing in through the window. Both girls shot him a glare, crossing their arms at the exact same time. "What did I do?" he asked cluelessly.

Maya scoffed angrily. "You did nothing, Farkle." she said before climbing out of the window and disappearing into the night.

Riley looked shocked, the realization that she was in a fight with Maya finally setting in. "Farkle..." was all she could say before the tears hit.

Farkle didn't know what to say. He had no idea what had just happened, and so he did the only thing he thought would help. He sat next to her, putting an arm around her and letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, Riley."

Meanwhile, Lucas Friar had locked himself in his room. He paced around, face set in concentration as he attempted to process tonight's events. He kissed Maya. They had been talking about the movie, and then he got distracted by the way her eyes lit up when she laughed. And the way her hair fell over her shoulder, and how pretty her smile was... he could go on. Knocks on the door snapped him out of his thoughts. "Who is it?"

"Who do you think, Huckleberry?"

Lucas ran to the door, unlocking and opening it quickly. Maya stood there, wearing a dress that would make Madonna blush. "Maya, you're here."

"Why wouldn't I be? I am in love with you after all." she drawled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him in...

"Lucas, I swear to god, if you don't open your door I will break in." Zay threatened. Lucas stopped fantasizing about Maya, sighing and opening the door for his best friend.

"What do you want, Zay?" Lucas sat on the edge of his bed, looking miserable.

"I wanted to check on my fellow Texan, what did you think?" Zay joked, plopping down on the bed. "How you doing?"

"Horrible. I feel horrible." Lucas admitted, shaking his head as he wallowed in his own self pity.

"Not to sound rude, but you are the dumbest person I know. You finally kissed Maya Hart, certified badass, and you're miserable. Explain."

"It's not that I kissed her, it's what she said afterwards." Lucas told him, crossing his arms. Just talking about it made him want to hide under the sheets and make Zay leave.

"Uh oh. What'd she say?" Zay asked curiously. He couldn't wait to hear the drama and update Smackle. They had always discussed the groups relationships, though they hadn't in a while. She was usually with Farkle when she had free time, which was alright. He was her boyfriend, after all.

"This was a mistake." Lucas sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's what she said. She hates me, and Riley probably does too."

"Riley doesn't hate anybody." Zay reassured him. "And Maya? She doesn't hate you. You guys just need to talk."

"She won't talk to me." he replied.

Zay shook his head, laughing to himself. "Okay, buddy. I'll talk to you when you start making sense again." he stood and made his way to the door, smiling sympathetically at his best friend before leaving.

Lucas groaned, collapsing into his bed tiredly. He knew high school would bring changes, but he did not expect this much drama.

AN:: look who finally updated! I know this chapter didn't have any texts, which is the whole point of the book, but I felt like this was necessary to explain everything that's happening.
qotd: lucaya, lucakle, or rucas?
smarkle, markle, or riarkle?
zaley, zayadora, or zaya?
no matter what you answered, let me tell you something. you will get your ship. it's happenin. also, next chapter will have character apps so if you want to be in the book, you can! ily all

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