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Stupid words. Stupid fucking people. Stupid noises.

His fingers shook quickly and violently every time his chewed up pencil hit the paper. Sweat beads formed reluctantly on his forehead as it creased with annoyance.
"What the hell is wrong with Mace, Cedar?" An obviously puzzled girl asked her best friend. Cedar turned to her with a gentle smile. "I need to work, Rain."
The young man had soft expressions. His skin was tan and fragile. His head tilted back quickly to his work and he began scribbling words down.

Noises. Fuck. I don't understand none of this shit. Stupid fucking teacher fuckin-

The frail boy's hand reached up to his hair quickly and tugged trying to regain what he'd barely studied over the weeks. He was a poor sight. His clothes were worn. They laid depressingly around his figure. His hair was jet black and straight. It was twisted and matted from his lack of care.

A scene of his brother and a girl he's partner with in chemistry class replayed. Their hands pulling each other closer and their lips frantically colliding without a pause for breath. Their eyes pressed to each other like glue was connecting them. He hadn't seen Dag so happy and lustful in well.. Ever.
Why am I thinking about that now??
His eyes widened once he looked around filling himself with the familiarity of the classroom.
His teacher sat in the front of the class. A headphone placed in one ear while the other stayed flat against the mahogany desk. His eyes roamed over his body and how his clothes draped oh so carelessly over it. There was a hint of satisfaction as he watched his hands move quickly and couldn't be steadied.
He went to his fac-
Mace quickly wrote random letters and numbers over a space on the paper provided for the answers. His head whirled in confusion.
Fuck him what the fuck. Fuck this stupid test. Fuck highschool.
His gaze traveled back to his teacher in hopelessly.
Once again Mr. Satoshi's eyes played on Mace.
His stare wore at Mace and his brain. Mace couldn't think straight with those dark depressing eyes staring at him. He eyed his paper, scribbles lined it. He sighed and scrunched his eyebrows together, his two teeth, sharper than the rest, stuck out like fangs.
The loud brrr of the bell sounded and kids flushed out, dropping off their papers to the desk of the depressed eyes. He smiled gratefully as each kid handed it in and said goodbye. He was a favorite teacher amongst many of the school. Mr. Satoshi understood his students more than others. He gave reasonable punishments and advice. He's a good teacher. Mace wouldn't know though. He spends his math class writing out things like "fuck you" and "ur moms gay" on his table.

The young, ignorant boy took his time getting his things together. His sharp black nails dug at the expensive books in his hands.
"Mace!" Cedar exclaimed as he hopped over wearily. He was much smaller than Mace. Freckles lined his creased skin. oh and he was also a deer half breed. He smiled softly and walked down the steps towards Mace.
"You aced it I assume?" He glanced at Cedar's paper, bright green pen marking it. The boy shrugged sheepishly in response.
"You probably did well too." Cedar mumbled with a lack of confidence. Mace counted the freckles strewn across the face of his friend.
He merely groaned as he handed in his paper, only a little less than half completed. Mr. Satoshi stared at Mace, he already knew he hadn't finished it.
Cedar looked down at Satoshi. "He understands it when he's with me, sir. He can do them right on his own time. Can he finish in his study period?" Mace growled. He hated having Cedar stand up for him. He disliked the feeling of how gross he felt after failing time after time but still passing with Cedar's help. He was helpful.. Mace was just.. uninterested.
Satoshi looked up to Cedar with a forgiving smile. He started to stand, his hands still on his desk. "Cedar get to class. I'll see what I can do." His eyes turned slowly to Mace.
Cedar nodded and skittishly patted Mace on the back. Mace shifted but became less anxious. Cedar always did that to him. When he was with him, he could almost forget completely about worrying. it was.. nice. His eyes trailed the walls, not looking at Satoshi. "You're failing. Mace I've done all I can do as your teacher. You don't pay attention in class and you refuse all of my proposals to help. I can't keep making changes for you. Do you want to succeed?" Satoshi's hand trails his desk, his glazed eyes still glued to Mace.
Should I want to succeed?
"I dunno," Mace muttered.
"Do your parents want you to succeed? Go to college? Support a family someday maybe?" His voice continued to wear at the younger male.
"What about your bother?"
Mace paused.
"He wants me to fucking live. He hates school. Half of it is a waste of time. Said he can't believe I ain't dropped out yet."
Satoshi sighed helplessly.
"And yet you're still here. There's something keeping you here. Keeping you studying and improving. Okay here..-"
He reaches down to a folder and pulls it out. He hands it out to Mace.
Mace flinches and takes it reluctantly. It's his test scores. They had gone up a lot from when he first moved to the school.
So what...
Mace threw them onto the desk and huffed in annoyance.
"I'm leaving."
With that, he swung his half open backpack around his shoulder and continued to the hallway. He could hear Mr. Satoshi sighing as he closed the doors.

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