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"morning, dad."
He walked into the bustling kitchen with a yawn. He wore a cute blue shirt and sweatpants. He had extreme bedhead which looked strange on him. Tommy walked out behind him, rubbing his stomach groggily.
"Morning Mr. Andrews." Tommy muttered.
Cedar's father merely waved to the new member of the household. Tommy had been accepted into the Andrew's household which meant staying over every other night and becoming just another one of their 9 children. Cedar sluggishly slumped into the kitchen. He grabbed the cereal and began to make a bowl for himself and then one for Tommy.
Tommy was already hanging out with him before they began dating so there was barely a change in their relationship other than the occasional kissing. cedar liked that part. Cedar knew close to everything about Tommy. Tommy knew almost everything about Cedar. The two were absolutely infatuated with each other.
The 8 other children were all stuck side by side on a long table, stuffing their faces to the brim with breakfast made by Mom. Cedar greeted his mother sleepily.
"Good mornin my Bambi!" She cooed. It's a pretty sad nickname considering his mom dies but he loved the movie when he was little and it stuck. She turned to Tommy with the happiest of smiles. "Gmorning Tom. Want some bacon?"
Tommy smiled and declined gratefully. He grabbed his cereal and sat down beside everyone. Cedar's parents adopted five of the nine children actually. They're just those kind of people. They love to help those in need and well, they both just like kids.
"Tom I heard there's a play goin on in the school. He flicked his newspaper. You interested innit?" His southern accent was thick as he spoke.
Tommy smiled and replied quickly. It wasn't awkward and it wasn't forced. "Probably sir. Hopefully I'll get in."
A few of the smaller kids chimed in.
"You will tommwy! You're rweally good!!!"
"Yeah Tom. I love watching you last time."
"You were so handsome~!" One of the older girls cooed.
Tommy looked down sheepishly and thanked everyone. His arm slowly coiled around Cedar, who was slurping up his cereal. Cedar flinched but quickly leaned into him.
"Yeah you'll get in for sure Tommy!"
Tommy smiled. All the younger kids started to grab their backpacks and pull on their big coats. Cedar's Mom helped each and every one of them, looking tired.
There were only a few middle schoolers left and then Tommy and Cedar.
Tommy and Cedar both decided to skip today. It would be Cedar's first absence and Tommy's ninth but his mom was okay with it and the boys really wanted some alone time without all the little kids wanted to play every two seconds. Tommy was getting tired of hide and seek hard mode.
Cedar finished and started to help his mom clean up. Tommy got done and stood by the fridge, viewing pictures he's seen from day one. He loved the one of young Cedar. He was so happy as he slid down a big yellow slide and Tommy loved that his antlers were way too big for his head. How he loved that beautiful buck. Cedar got done and looked to Tommy.
"We're gonna go play ps4 upstairs, alright?"
His parents nodded silently. Cedar quickly grabbed Tommy's large hands and dragged him into his room.
"I thought the ps4 was in the den-"
He was shut up as Cedar kissed him quietly. Tommy could never get enough of him. He could be so .. extravagant at times. He kissed back of course. It was a pleading kiss. He wanted more.
"I'm sorry I just really wanted to do this alone for once."
Tommy's eyes lit up and he kissed back roughly. His hands entangled themselves in Cedar's wavy hair. He slid his hand down cedars thigh slowly and then pulled them apart.
"Ain't no sorry."


His backpack strap dug into his shoulder. The pounds of book added up and it started weighing on him. He walked sleepily to his locker. His eyes were dark but not black and there were wide rings underneath them. His skin was a deep red shade from the cold.
"Good morning, Mace."
He barely moved and grabbed his books for his first two classes. He yawned and pressed his head into the locker. It was a depressing sight.
"Mace?" He asked again, this time a little concern in his voice.
His dark eyes widened as he stared up at Satoshi.
"AHA OH yeah nO."
He slammed his locker shut for effect and started walking to his class. he pulled his hood tighter over his face.
Satoshi followed after, keeping a small distance between the two of them.
"I think I might've found out some stuff about you."
He stopped and looked back at Satoshi with wide eyes.
"I ain't talking to you, Mr. Satoshi. Now I'm gonna go to my class." There was a rush in his words. He huffed and continued after turning away abruptly.
Satoshi stood in the hallway, slightly confused. He slowly pulled his headphone out of ear and watched Mace disappear as he turned down the hall.

3 hours later

Mace reluctantly entered Satoshi's room. He stepped in, almost as if his feet were bruising from just touching the floor. He stepped quickly and made his way to his desk. It was at the top of the rows and surprisingly, Cedar was no where to be found. His black hood was pulled tightly over his face. He stayed silent like usual. He didn't dare make eye contact with Satoshi. He wouldn't be able to get those big dark eyes out his brain for the next month if he did.
Maybe just a peak won't hur-? Fuck!
He was mentally fighting himself and Satoshi was all ears. He loved hearing Mace try to keep himself from looking. It made him feel powerful.
Satoshi was a psychic. He was able to hear all his students struggles and was able to address them in the class. It could be a bother most times and he liked to drown it out with music but right now, he was all in for it. Of course, the school knew about it and they even celebrated it. A psychic as a teacher is rare. Now, the students who cared, new. Mace was not one of them.

janae quickly scooted past Satoshi and up to Mace. she plopped down to the left of her friend and smiled wildly at him.
Mace ignored her. He was used to her hyena like personality.
Satoshi began class and as always Mace started to scribble "fuck You" and "call for a good time—-" all over his desk. He also drew a soccer ball, which was new.
"Jeraldine fucked you up pretty bad, Mace. You definitely coulda taken that bitch. Too bad you wimped out hehh.." janae blurted.
Mace snuffed and he finally looked down at Satoshi, trying to get rid of janae's obnoxious high pitched voice ringing in his head. His stare was intent and yet tired. He was tired. Satoshi looked to Mace with a small, almost undetectable smile.
Was his hair always parted like that?
He then looked back to the board and continued on. Mace couldn't seem to breathe for a few seconds after.
At the end of class, Mr. Satoshi started to erase the board. He stuck an earbud in and tensed a bit, the thoughts of others pecking incessantly at his brain. Mace wearily grabbed his stuff. Janae kept yapping on about how fucked up Mace looked. she called him ugly and then smacked his back roughly.
"Mr. Colfer." Satoshi motioned for him to come up to his desk. Janae snickered. Mace slowly made his way there, a frown on his face. The anger in his eyes was present as he forced a glance towards the teacher. Satoshi pulled down mace's hood carefully and inspected his stained nose and purple bruises lining his face. His eyes wouldn't connect with Satoshi's.
This is fucking mortifying.
"Mace.. " He grabbed the student by his shoulder. "Come with me." He slowly pressed his hand on mace's back and began walking to the infirmary. The gentleness in his grip was reassuring. He grabbed some ice packs from a freezer after sitting Mace down. He began cleaning him up. Mace sat silently.
"Mind telling me who beat you up, mr. colfer?" Mace stayed silent but shuddered as Satoshi started putting bandages on his face. He wasn't used to the interaction and it made him furious. he felt his stomach burning.
"Ok. I won't force you. So about the demon thing..I actually found some more s-"
"No. No it's okay you've done enough. I'm leaving now."
Mace stood up and started to leave but was grabbed by Satoshi.
This is illegal.
"I.. uh.. uhm.. just uh be careful?" His eyes stared intently into Maces. It felt wrong.
His heart shook. No, his whole body shook. He was a shaking mess on the verge of crying. Satoshi's eyes widened as he let go of Mace.
"What happened to you, Mace??"
Mace looked as if he were to explode. His heart couldn't beat any faster. He felt the whole world spinning. Then it was gone.

"Mace, god you're finally awake!"
A light beeping sound sounded to his left. He opened his eyes fully to see Mr. Satoshi in front of him. Satoshi's hands were bruised and cut up. A light slash ran across his jaw. Mace was in a hospital. A fancy one at that.
"What.. the fuck."
The boy glanced around. His under eye circles grew bigger and his black, lifeless eyes returned.
"It happened again.. probably didn't need to tell you that ha.." he reached behind his head and tugged on some hair, trying to calm his nerves. He shook roughly with wide eyes. A small reassuring smile was splayed across his face.
He looked down at his forearm. It sat beside him, like it was connected to another person. He couldn't feel it. It was covered from his fingertips to his shoulder in black. He stretched out his fingers and slowly broke out in instinctual tears.
"You weren't supposed to do that.. the nurse said to be still.."
"Fuck that."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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