Chapter 3:Ghoul

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Chapter 3:Ghoul

Mei's POV
I screamed as I saw three metal beams fall on top of Yan-chan,I ran over to her as I lifted them off of her please be ok as soon as I lifted them off of her. I jerked my phone out of my jacket pocket and dialed 911,as I grabbed Ayano's arm and quickly dragged her away from the beams I felt some tears fall. I wiped them away quickly I was lucky enough to stumble on to Sati,before she got to fully devour Ayano I sighed and left Ayano there,if I stayed there was a possible chance they would think I am a suspect. I quickly brought out my ukaku Kagune and flew to a roof and landed on it,I was so glad I learned how to fly with them. I stayed on the roof in till finally the ambulance came,I saw as they saw Sati's body and put it in to a body bag and they lifted Ayano in to the ambulance truck. I sighed as I hopped off in to the distance.

Time skip
4 weeks later

I sighed as I walked in to the hospital room today was the first day,the doctors and nurses let me in to the room. I sat on to one of the chairs in there and stared at Ayano's body,I got up and headed over to her "Ayano....please wake up...please" I whispered as I gripped her hand tightly. I felt her stirring in her sleep as her eyes finally snapped open,except what I saw was not what I expected. Instead of me seeing the usual dull lifeless grey eyes,I saw that her right eye was grey and was covered in fear while the other one was a kakugan. I gasped and put a hand over my mouth as I stepped back,as she sat up straight I spotted a white medical eyepatch on the table next to the bed. I grabbed it and quickly put it around her left eye and tied it,so that it was secure in place I sighed in relief and put a hand to my chest. "Umm are you ok Aishi-chan?" I put a hand over her hand as I put a small smile on my face,she nodded and jerked away her hand "yeah I'm fine" she stretched "well anyways Aishi-chan your teacher told me to give this to you" I opened up my brown school bag and slipped out a large homework packet,I put it on the table next to her and put a blue mechanical pencil on it as well. She nodded and bowed as best as she could as she was still sitting down "thank you" I smiled "no problem Aishi-chan" "one question Mei-chan" "yes?" "Your a ghoul right?" I stiffened "I umm got to go see you when you get out of the hospital!" With that I snapped shut my school bag and bolted out of the room. I panted a little as I slid against a wall as soon as I was in a alleyway,how did she know,no it was just a coincidence that she happen to think your a ghoul. Yup that's all I sighed and started walking on the path way.

Time Skip
I sighed as I slipped in to the café and slid in to a booth,the café was closed but since I worked her so I could still come in.


I looked over at the door as I saw a girl enter she wore the Academic Arts collage uniform(pic ignore the shoes you wear black boots instead),with a black scarf around her neck she had h/c hair in a middle bun with her bangs covering her right eye slightly. She also had e/c eyes ah yes! it was Y/N,she looked around in till her gaze landed on me I waved at her as she nodded she walked over threw her backpack in to the booth and sat across from me. "Hey how that's Aishi girl doing?" She asked as she slipped three f/c hair clips,from her skirt pocket and clipped back her bangs a little. "She woke up today when I visited" she nodded as she grinned showing off sharp teeth,"well I'll see you later bye! Mei-chan" with that she got up and left the only sound in the room being her heeled boots. With that she opened the door halfway before stopping,as she was halfway out she adjusted her backpack a little. "Oh and I'll be back later with our meal later tonight" with that she left and left me in the silence. I sighed and laid down my head on the table.

Later that night

Your POV
I sighed as I slipped on my mask (I'll show a pic later) and slipped up my scarf to cover my mouth,and jumped off the roof.


That was the sound of my boots as I jumped off,I looked in to the person eyes "does anyone know your alive" a shake of a head. "Ok well then....bye" with that my nine rinkaku Kagune's came out and attacked the man. As his screams filled the alleyway.

Time skip
I jumped on to my apartments roof and laid his body on the roof,as I opened the roof latch and grabbed his body and jumped in. I looked around yep this was me,Mei's and Kara's apartment I closed the latch with one of my Kagune's. I dragged the body across the floor,and in to one of the biggest closet and let go as it slumped against the wall. I walked out and closed it I grabbed a air freshener,and sprayed it around the closet as now it just smelled a little like trash. I shrugged and put it back on to the table
as I stepped over a spare plate,"Hey Y/N did you get dinner this time or do I have to?" "Oh shut up Kara" she giggled and laid down on the couch,as did I,I slipped of my trench coat and put it on a coat rack. I slid on to the couch and laid down as well "well then where's Mei?" "She went to go check on that Aishi girl again" Kara sat up one elbow "wait does she go to Mei's school?" "Yup" "oh it must be that Ayano Aishi girl never liked her." I raised a eyebrow "how come?" "Ugh Reason it's just I don't like her" "whatever" I closed my eyes as dozed off.

A/N so that was this chap and finally you came in to the story yeah! Anyways till next time see u on the flip side BY€~

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