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Delirious's POV-

I was walking next to Evan to the next class. H.E. "What do you think we might do in H.E.?" I said. "I don't know but I bet it will be boring as fuck." "Yeah nothing interresting appears in mind when I think of H.E. It's probably like a boring class teaching us bullshit." "Yeah."

We walked inside the class and spotted Tyler and Craig talking. Tyler was sittingon a desk and Craig was right in front of him. Strangely this place looked like a real class with the desks and the chalk board. I walked to a desk next to Mini and sat down while Evan sat next to Tyler. "Hey guys. How are you doing?" I said. "Hey Delirious and Vanoss. Nothing much just wondering what we're going to do. How where your last classes?" "Great actually. We got our powers now. I got Mind reading while Vanoss got to talk in peoples minds." "Cool what class is that?" Tyler asked. "The class is called 'Labs'. Tyler think of something and i will say it." I said. "Alright then."

Tyler's thoughts.

If you can hear me then I want you to slap Evan in the head. Alright that's all.


I stopped reading his mind and looked at him. "Or what Tyler? You can't do shit. I heard what you said even the part about you know what." He got angry and I slapped Evan in the back of the head. "OW! What the fuck Delirious! What was that for!?" Evan said and Tyler and Craig laughed. I also laughed and made everyone turn to us since my laugh is unique and very creepy in a way. "S-sorry Evan. Tyler told me to slap you." I said and laughed a bit. "Oh really?.." Evan said and faced Tyler. He's going to talk to Tyler in his mind isn't he? Tyler was smiling and then he got scared. "Did you guys hear that!?" He said panicked. He shook his head and then hold his head very hard. "DO YOU GUYS NOT HEAR THAT?!" He said and dropped to the floor everyone staring at him with shocked faces. "Evan that's enough!" I said. He looked at me and I saw he was kind of mad but then soften a bit. "Sorry. I just got carried away. I couldn't control myself for a bit." Evan said and I saw Craig go towards Tyler. "Tyler are you okay?!" He said and you can actually hear how sad he is. Tyler didn't answer back you could only see him sleeping. "Tyler!" Mini said and slapped him. Tyler sat up quickly and looked at Mini. "What happened? All I remember was hearing a voice and I just blanked out." Tyler said and sat down on his desk.

"That is a perfect example showing why we need this class." An Irish voice said. We all turned to the front and a guy with green hair and a septic eye was looking at us. "Sorry for interrupting your little show but my name is Mr.Septiceye. yes I know it's a weird name but if you want just call me Jack since my last name sounds weird. Anyways the Asia guy-" "CanAsian!" Evan yelled back. "- Alright the CanAsian guy said that once he used his powers he kind of lost control, right? Well we all need this class because of that. Today we are really not going to do anything but tomorrow we will. For now let me tell you what we will do in this class. The major goal here is to help you control your powers. If you guys can't find a way to control it then we will have to sacrafice you because if you can't control your powers then you might kill someone or loose control and kill your self. If you guys kill someone or kill your self then the bosses are going to fire me literally. They will throw me into a fiery hell. I don't know about you guys but I really don't want to die. Anyways what we will try to do is also try to help you use your powers for a longer time. What I mean by that it's that when you use your powers you will get tired easily so we will try to make your powers last longer."

I stopped listening because it was kind of boring and decided to play with my powers a bit. I looked over at Craig and decided to read his mind.

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