Life is good then it turns bitter.

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Vanoss's POV-

   I was woken up by two guards who looked at me with serious faces. "Breakfast time." One of them said. I looked at Delirious, hoping this was all a dream, a nightmare, but it was all real. I saw him in the hospital bed in a coma. His body wasn't as pale as yesterday but he still looked pale; his eyes were closed. I tried to convince myself that he'll live and he'll be okay but I couldn't even convince myself. I, for some reason, couldn't believe he could live. I looked at Delirious for one last time and walked outside of the nurse office.

 The guys ate breakfast in silence except for me. I barely even touched my food. "Come on Evan. You have to eat something." Droidd would tell me. I didn't want to even speak so I just shook my head. "Evan, you need to eat to have more strength," Mini said. I kept on shaking my head and kept on just nibbling my food. Thinking of Jonathan was making me depressed and angry because I couldn't do anything else to bring him back. I just had to see him slowly die.

I went to my first period alone without Jonathan. I went to my second class alone. I went to all of my classes, adding lunch and dinner, and Jonathan wasn't with me. Days. Days and more fucking days have passed and still, Jonathan hasn't woken up. I still slept inside the nurse office since I couldn't let Jonathan go. Every day I saw him he looked better than before but he looks like he'll never wake up. I would always talk to him and tell him what happened in class so he wouldn't miss anything. I know he won't hear me but I still talked to him to pass the time. I wanted him to wake up but he didn't.

Until one day he finally woke up but there was a serious problem. He didn't remember shit.

Delirious's POV-

   I woke up in a strange room. When I looked around I heard a heart monitor. I stood up slowly and my head started hurting. I looked around me and I guessed I was in a nurse office or something because I saw a bunch of cotton balls, popsicle sticks that they shove down your throat, ex-etcetera. I looked at my arms and saw a bunch of wires. I moved them out of my arm and the heart monitor stopped, making a really annoying sound. I stood up a bit but my legs were about to give up on me so I quickly sat down on the hospital bed.

   I heard two pairs of footsteps running towards the nurse room and then a hot Asia appeared in the view with a tall white male. They both looked shocked and relieved. I frowned, trying to remember who they were. "Um... do I know you two?" I said. They looked at each other and frowned then faced me. The Asian person spoke first, "Y-You don't remember us?" He said. I shook my head and the tall guy cursed softly. "What the fock! He lost his focking memory!" The tall guy said. I guess he was Irish because he sounded Irish. The Asian guy looked disappointed and sad at the same time. "Do you at least remember someone's names?" The Asian guy said. I thought for a moment and then a name surfaced into my mind. "I remember only one name. Evan Fong, that's it." I said. The Asian guy smiled and faced the Irish man. "He remembers my name! Wait, so you don't know anyone else's name?" The Asian guy, I guess Evan, said. He sounded so happy when I said his name for some odd reason. Then two buff guys came inside. I guess they were guards or some shit. "Evan Fong, Jonathan Dennis, and David Nagle. You need to report back to lunch immediately." One of them said. I was so confused at this point.

   The two guards pushed us to the direction of the cafeteria and when I entered the cafeteria I saw a LOT of people eating. They all looked tired and so depressed. Some were laughing and making jokes but deep inside you could see them depressed and tired. Everyone looked like they were in shape, even the ladies. I looked around and a table full of men stared at me with wide eyes. I looked back at Evan, not sure what to do. He smiled kindly and looked at the guys. "They're our friends. Did you remember another name?" Evan said. I tried to think but my mind was fuzzy as fuck. The Irish guy sat down next to a Mexican looking dude who was short. Evan sat down on one of the seats and I sat on the least seat next to him. Maybe I don't remember Evan that much but when I look at him all I think is 'God damn boy! You hot as fuck!' Of course, I never said it out loud I just think about that.

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