Chapter one

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I don't know how to begin this but I do know that this
font is getting annoying.okay much better. First let me begin with this: this story isn't gonna be some sappy love story where the lonely boy falls In love with the out going girl, or the girl realize that all she needs is
friends. Gosh I kinda wish it was like that. But no. I can't describe what your about to read or even give you a hint of it. But I can tell you one thing : high school sucks. High school sucks camel balls. No not even. High school suck camel balls that are covered in warts and is sweaty, yeah much better.
But before I explain why High school is sounding more the movie KIDS. Let
begin with my name;It's just Jon. Jon Easton Zeen, but to my friends I'm
called Jez. Yeah more funny when you think about it. I'm not the main person in the story but I'm the only one alive to tell it. So let's begin.
Freshman year, good grades, great style...nah if I'm gonna tell you this I'm
gonna have to tell you right. Wish this was more like a movie so I can have some really awesome music playing but this isn't a movie and it's life. And life doesn't let you have really awesome music playing in the background. So just pretend Dirty little secrets by All American Rejects is on and let's begin this thing.

High school sucks. But the worst part of High school is freshman year.
Mostly cause they don't warn you about it at all. It's like being in a room with people telling you it's cold outside and then they shove you out with a long sleeve shirt and it turns out to be -17 out. But nobody told you how cold it really is. That's freshman year. And mine totally sucked. See my family isn't your typical family. I have a mom and dad and 3 different siblings all from different countries. My older brother from England, he's black. I only said that because I know the confusion people get when I show them my brother. My sister is my age and is from Brazil. She really tan and is secretly dating the whole football team. Don't worry you can judge her,
She's a whore. My youngest brother is from China, we got him 8 years ago
and he's a fast runner and good at math- I mean that in not a racist way.
See I'm the only child from my parents. They wanted to have kids from all
over as part of a Peace On Earth bid. I don't know and like I said this isn't
about me. Sooooo where do I really start? Okay okay how about my first day? Okay okay how about my first day
of high school.
"Have a good day" said dad

"Make friends" said mom
"If I'm late from the bus I'm kicking your ass" said my brother from England
who by the way name is Eric.
"Im coming" said freshman me.
"Come faster" said Eric
"That's what she said" said freshman me.
We didn't miss the bus and so I hop on with Eric. Eric went to the back and
shook hands with some other dark skin kid. I say dark skin cause I don't
wanna say black. When I followed a dark skin boy stood in my way"Where
you going cracker?" He said.
"With my brother"
"What's that suppose to mean" dark skin boy asked me
"I'm gonna sit down with my brother"
"Are you trying to say cause we black that we're your brother"
" he's my actual brother"
Dark skin kid looked back at Eric "is this your brother?"
"From another mother" replied Eric. The boy looked at me. He just nodded.
"My brother" he said shaking my hand. Long story short that's how I began
a member of the black community as they called it. I don't know what that
meant but they have let me watch Boyz in the Hood and let me say the N
word a few times. Not that any of this have to do with this story. But it's just
a little side action. Okay to be fair I have been messing with you. The story
doesn't start with me becoming a black. It's start with the first time I met
Ivy park and everything that happen after.
I first saw ivy in English. Our teacher assigned us to read The Girl Next Door.
I never herd of it but I guess our teacher thought it was interesting. "Have
any of you ever dealt with a tough decision?" Said our teacher.
Elizabeth Avery hand shot straight up. See Elizabeth Avery was the rich bitch
of the school and she let everybody know it." Yes, you" said our teacher
"I made a tough decision between going to London or Amsterdam, see I
really wanted to go to London to meet the queen of England and drink some
tea but then I couldn't ride my bike near the Amsterdam canal and go to
Anne frank house so my daddy just let us go to Paris so I wouldn't feel bad
about not going to Amsterdam or London." See what I mean a total rich
"Well..would anyone like to share their tough decision?" It was quite at first
then our teacher pointed to someone, it think his name was Mr.Kashoer but
that sound lame so I'm gonna call him Mr.FireBall. "Yeah you in the back" I
turn back to see who was gonna speak and I was blow back; this girl was
mad hot...she She had darkish blonde hair that was curly at one
end,not to pale skin,her eyes were green but look blackish green, she was
wearing these punk rock boots and jeans that were black.Don't ask me why
I was looking a her jeans but I just was."I don't think that was tough
decision at all" she said. Even in her voice you can tell she gave no fucks, I
wanna give no fucks! I give a lot of fucks! A whole lot. Elizabeth head shot
back like a rattlesnake about to strike" I had to choose between London or
Amsterdam" she said.
"Oh" Ivy said rolling her eyes" what did you have to choose next gold watch
or gold necklace." I laugh at that which made Elizabeth head shoot at me. I
didn't really care about Elizabeth looking at me but I saw Ivy did I quite my
laughter. "Do you think something is funny Mr.Zeen?" Said Mr.Fireball.
"What she said to her was pretty funny" Mr.Fireball nodded as he walk back
to his desk" Do you know what second degree murder is Mr. Zeen?"
"No, I herd of it before" my sister loves watching cop shows. Don't know why
but when we got her all she watch was cop shows." Well second degree
murder is when a person helps or let's the murder happen"
"Oh" I didn't know where he was going with this and I felt uncomfortable
being the only person who's answer his questions" So when Ms.Park made
that statement about Mrs. Avery you help her by laughing"
" I just laugh"
"You just got yourself a dentition"
"That unfair" said Ivy
"Is it?you made a joke and he join in by laughing that's is consider bullying"
Mr.Fireball said.
"Your just giving him dentition because she a rich bitch" Ivy said pointing at
Elizabeth. Even though we all were thinking it we never actually called her a
rich bitch but like I said Ivy didn't give a fuck." Ivy park, you have yourself a
dentition to"
"Ooohhh" Ivy said rolling her eyes" I rather be in dentition then listen to rich
"Mrs.Park step outside" and Mr.Fireball and Ivy step outside.
"Jez" called my friend Lou. I turn to look at him" that girl totally wants to get
on your jock" he says
"She doesn't give a fuck" I answer
"I'm so gonna fuck her up" Elizabeth pipe up.
"No your probably just gonna run home and tell your daddy about her" I
snap. I didn't know where that came from but I guess Ivy help me. Elizabeth
eyes look like they were pricing my soul"I'm gonna tell my boyfriend on you
and he'll be sure to kick your ass and your little dyke"
"Aw piss up a rope" said Lou
"Shut up shadow" snap Elizabeth, shadow was Lou nickname. When he was
younger his older brothers would hold up flashlight and make creepy shapes
in his windows. When we were all in this 7th grade camp thing program, we
had tents and Lou was heading to bed early so we told creepy stories with
our flashlights. Long story short Lou scream and got himself lock in the tentthen rolled into the lake. His shorts was soak with pee and water. Shadow
was the result. The bell rang and we all up our books into our bag" Maybe if
you got some dick in your life you wouldn't be uptight" said Lou aka shadow
aka pissy scary boy aka my best friend. Elizabeth who's name I'm changing
to Rich bitch just for the fun of it. Well rich bitch gasp then charge out the
classroom. Me and Lou headed out and that's when Ivy rolled up to us" I
don't want you to think I'm being friendly with you" she said. Me and Lou
look at each other; we weren't exactly the boys girls walk up and talk to
"No problem" I say
"Well there is a problem" she says pointing To the classroom
"We both have dentition in that asshole class"
"Yeah so?"
"If we're both gonna be in dentition together I guess we should probably get
to know boundary like I have three rules: don't touch me, don't talk to me,
don't try to know me, got that?"
"Like anyone would wanna know you" Lou said pulling me to our next class.
Even though the next class was Social Studies my favorite I didn't really pay
attention. I had dentition. With Ivy. The teacher handed out a large poster
with the whole world and we are suppose to write the names and color it.
Easy enough. At lunch I say with Lou and Jamie. Jamie my sister by the way.
"You go dentition" she asks as soon as I got there
"Yeah so?"
"Mom gonna be so ashamed"
"Oh boy"
"I told my friend she can sit here"
"Okay" even though I was little mad but I kinda wanted more people to sit
so we wouldn't be a huge target. They didn't hit us when we arrive or push
us down the stairs. "Oo! There she is" Jamie pointed. I nearly choke on my
burger as I saw Ivy.
"Hi" said Jamie as Ivy sat.
"You know them" said Ivy
"Yes, his my brother"
"Wow, your brother Lou an asshole"
"No,no, not him!, him" she says pointing to me.
"Oh" all she said was oh. Now I wanted mind being pulled away from the
table. Now the reason I'm making myself sound like a pussy, is cause I was
a pussy back then. Everyone a pussy sometime of their life. But Ivy wasn't.
Ivy seem to also be tough even from young. From the corner of my eye I
saw Rich Bitch and her group walking behind Ivy. Before I say anything Rich
Bitch dump her whole lunch tray over Ivy head. Ivy pulled up and smack
Elizabeth hard! Lou was holding Elizabeth back and I got up and pulled Ivyback."YOU BITCH! WAIT TILL MY DAD HEARS ABOUT THIS!" Elizabeth said
as Lou pulled out the cafeteria. Ivy was fighting me now but I just wrap my
hands around her body so she could really use her hands. My first fight
happen on my first day of school and the first day I met Ivy.
We all were outside the office. All of us. Me, Lou, Elizabeth, and Ivy. Lou sat
with Ivy and I sat with Elizabeth. "Best way to end the first day of high
school right Jez" Lou said with a chuckle. Ivy focus seem to change to me
"Your name is Jez"
"No it's a nickname my full name is Jon Easton Zeen"
"Still Jez" Lou said
"Only guys would make such disgusting nicknames" shot Elizabeth.
"You do know that Elizabeth was the name of a queen who killed young girls
and bathe in their blood right?" Ivy pop at her.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes"Where are you from anyway and why did you
move?" She just broke rule three. Ivy spoke"I'm from not here and I move
here from there" just like a reflex.
"Oh that's rich, see that's way my daddy house property is going low cause
more people like you are coming"
"Why do you call him daddy? You never herd the word dad or father" Ivy
said. "Luke...I am your father" Lou cut in. I laughed "nooooo" I say mocking
Luke sky walker. They both look at us and shook their heads" I think boys
are just dumbass by blood" said Ivy. Which is total bullshit I know all 23
letters of the alphabet and the last number of pi. It's 15. "I agree" Elizabeth
said. Me and Lou look at each other. Girls were weird. "Your a pretty good
Bitch" Ivy said to Elizabeth. I expected Elizabeth Hit her but she laid
back"Your a pretty good fighter"
"What the fuck" Lou said.
"What?" They both said
"You to were just fucking fighting and now your all being friendly"
"Yeah so" Ivy said.
"That's crazy! You don't just fight people then become friends" Lou yelled
"Alright.. Calm down Norman bated Jr" Ivy said patting his head.
"I'm not Norman bates" protest Lou
"A boys best friend is his mother" I quote.
Lou shook his head at me. "So what's happens now?" Elizabeth says.
"Duh we all get days off from school" Ivy said.
"Good. I wanna go to this park I don't know what it is but it's made with art
"You mean dreamer park" Ivy said. She seem to be interested in the topic.
"You know that park?" Elizabeth said
"Yeah I know it, I go there all the time"Elizabeth looked around before saying"Do you wanna come with me there
today after school?" I always thought Elizabeth was ashamed of us. Ivy scan
her and then shook her head"I can't, dentition remember"
"I can get you out"
"Well daddy-dad sponsor the school so 50% of everything in here is his, if I
don't want someone going to dentition then I can get dad to make them not
go" wow. A rich bitch indeed."Fine but one thing" she says. Don't talk to me,
don't touch me, don't get to know me, I remember the order.
"Let Lou and Jez go to"
"I'm not in dentition that's only you and Jez" Lou protest.
Ivy stands up and bangs real loudly on the door then tickles Lou neck before
sitting down. A old woman opens the door and stare down Lou"Dentition"
she says before closing the door again. I know what your thinking. How
could this girl do shit like this? Well she Ivy and whatever Ivy wants Ivy
gets. She a goodness in this school full of mortals. She's that
I'm really thinking about Ivy wasn't different I just was the same as her. Not
then anyway. Lou looked back at Ivy and she gave a smirk"Great now were
all in"
"I'm not going to dreamers park, that's all the way on the other side of town
in the low side"
"What do you mean by low said?" Ivy shot at him.
"That side full of hobo's and drug addicts I don't wanna be with them! I'm
sure I'm not the only that disagrees right Jez?" I pick my head up. See
usually I would instantly say yes but with Ivy there I didn't want to. I
wanted to look danger in the eye and say...what? I don't know why I'm
trying to sound like a badass, most likely cause I think of myself as one. But
I wasn't, "No" I said to Lou
"You just wanna bone her" he says
Ivy eyes looked at me but not in a"I'm trying to figure out who you are kinda
way" but In a "I got the force and your head will snap by my eyes" kinda
way."I'm not" I say"and I'm gonna go, you can stay here scary pants" the
only way to get Lou to do something's was call him scary pants. Once a boy
got Lou to eat a mint and drink Pepsi soda. He went to the hospital.
"Fine I'll go"
"So it's settle, we all go to the park"
"How are we getting there?" said Lou
"Walking duh" Ivy said. Was she crazy, the low part of town was a half an
hour away by car!
"We're not walking" protest Loy and Elizabeth.
"I'll call daddy- dad and tell him to drive us" Elizabeth said grabbing g her
phone out."Thought you wanted it to be a secret" Ivy said. Okay this part is dragging
on. So let me cut it. Ivy and Elizabeth went back and forth. Lou and me
were mind fighting each other. Elizabeth got us out of dentition and her
father pick us up and drove across town. Ivy,Lou, and I sat in the back. Ivy
sat on the left side with Lou in the middle. I watched her. Not in the stalker
kinda way but just because I wanted to figure her out. She was an
experiment and I wanted to know how,what,why. Don't touch me,don't talk
to me, don't try to know me. Don't Try to know me...but I did want to know
you.."have you been to the mall?" I turn to Ivy"ivy?"
She looked back at me"Maybe" she answered. See what I mean. I just
wanted an answer so I know her. So far I know
Her names Ivy park
She goes to dreamer park
She's a really good fighter
She doesn't give fucks.
But I wanted to know more.."Do you like our school?"
"Maybe" I see the game she was playing
"Got a sibling?"
"How old are you"
"Older than I was last year" a few laughs from everyone in the car. I wasn't
laughing I was going crazy"When's your birthday?"
"the day I was born"
"What's your favorite color?"
"A color that's isn't clear" it was somewhat of an answer. She didn't like
"Why did you move?"
"Because my chest moves when I breathe" damn it i was getting sick of this!
"What's your favorite movie?"
"The one with color"
"Damn it! Why can't you just answer one question!" I snap at her with angry
I dint know exist. Ivy seem to freeze. In an experiment where the subject
keeps giving you nothing. People go mad. Scientist go mad. Mad scientist I
guess, now I understood. Every time Ivy didn't answer my question I got
madder and madder, I didn't change the experiment, the experiment change
Once we got to the park it didn't look like much. There was random stacks of
bricks with spray paint all over it and weird shapes coming from the ground.
"This is bullshit" Lou said
"No it's art" said Ivy.
"Looks more like a piece of junk" Elizabeth said."What do you think Jez?" Said Ivy, it was the first time she said my name
towards me. She had a smile on her face; I know what she was thinking, I
was gonna take her side and everything would be alright. I just stared at
her"it's crap" i say. We all began walking to the car. Everyone except Ivy,she
looked at me like a kid growing downstairs on Christmas and seeing dad
eating the cookies. "Are you coming ?" Said Elizabeth. Ivy shook her
head"No, I'm gonna stay for a while"
"How will you get back?" Lou asked
"Don't worry I can call my brother" she waved us off and disappear into the
park. She has a brother.
Her names Ivy park
She goes to dreamer park
She a good fighter
She's doesn't give a fuck
She doesn't like the color clear
She has a brother. I wish I stop there with Ivy. I wish I just let her disappear
Into The park and never see her again, but I didn't cause I wanted to do
something different then what I did every day. I wanted to....I wanted to die
knowing that I actually lived.

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