Chapter 5

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I didn't wake up till I herd a loud knock. As I pass the bathroom I see hair
covering the floor. I pat my head and feel the shave spots. Who cares. I
open the door and see Uncle Joey."Woah, your hair" he says.
"Yeah..I kinda cut it"
"If that's what the kids are wearing then cool"
"So where your folks?" He asks coming in.
"At the festival. I stayed here alone."
"Wow, are you already at that age?"
"I'm 15"
"Yeah,yeah, I'm just getting old" we both laughed. Uncle Joey was 17 years
younger than dad. He was the coolest uncle. "Nah, I'm getting old" I say.
"Naw" he said
"Naw" I said back. It was what we did. Maybe uncle Joey could help me with
everything. "Uncle Joey?"
He picks up a book"yeah sport"
How would I word it without giving to much away. I couldn't tell him about
ivy without giving away her secrets and I couldn't tell him about look without
going back to the topic about ivy. "Never mind"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it was stupid"
"You reading this?" He said showing me the book. It was the fucking book
from English. "Yeah, it's horrible and Shawn said it teaches you something
but all I learn is those people are sick for what they did to her"
"It's what you do last that counts" he says.
"The lesson of the book is that what you do last is what really counts" he
says setting the book down. So that was the big lesson. What dose that even
mean? Like before you die donate millions to kids in Africa? Who knows.
"You look kinda down. What's wrong sport?"I shook my head. "Nothing."
"Aww, don't give me that bullshit"
"It's too hard to explain and I don't wanna get anyone in trouble or ruin
more things then I have already"
"What do you mean... get anyone in trouble?"shit. Why did I even say that,
I'm such a dumbass.
Uncle Joey looks at me the walks over and touches my shoulder. He breathes
out first. "Look..i know what's it like being your age and feeling like if you
have to protect people but if someone in trouble you're not helping them
you're making it worse" I hate how right he was was. But if I tell about ivy
she would get beat more by Ron or her mother. Also if they take her away
where we'll she go? She can't go with her dad and she said she didn't know
her grandparents. Also she will leave school and I won't see her again.
"I just can't" I can't make eye contact with him. He stares at me before
walking away. "Was somebody else here?"
"So there's two plates out for no reason" oh the plates! I quickly ran to the
dinning room. "Yeah, I was eating and then I watched a movie and I came
back down here to eat something and I totally forgot about the other plate
and just made a new one"
Uncle Joey nods his head.
"I'm glad you and Lou aren't throwing parties and having girls here"
"Me and Lou got in a fight..we're aren't friends anymore"
"Aww, what? You two were like frosting and cake! What happen?" Here
comes the part about ivy. But I can't tell him. "He was an..jerk"
"You can say asshole, I'm not like big bro I'm much cooler" he says
slamming himself on the couch and kicking his feet up. "Well, who needs
friends when you got your fun uncle here, wanna watch some Pokemon?"
"Sure"watching Pokemon was me and uncle Joey tradition. We always did it
no matter what.
"So whatcha gonna do today?" He asked me.
"I don't know"
"How about we go to this barber shop I know and see what they can do
about that hair"
"I guess"
"Awesome!" He says pushing off the couch. He grabs something and throws
it at me, I catch it. "You know how to drive right?"
"Seriously? Man what is my brother teaching you guys"
"How to not be the dark clouds"
We both laugh. "Well, today your lucky day. It's bright and sunny and not a
cloud in sight. Let's go"Uncle Joey got a new mustang that was all black with a yellow strip. "Are you sure I can drive" I never drove before, and his car looked really
expensive. "Sure, if you want to"
"Nah, I'm not up for it." I say tossing him the keys.
We stop at the barber shop and I get something called" uptop" it was just
basically my hair with ton of jell on it and a quick brush but uncle Joey said
it made me look "Cool"
"What do you wanna do today?" He asked.
"I dunno"
"Awe, come on! When I was your age I was planning to travel everywhere"
"You did though"
"Yeah but is wasn't easy, my old man was an old man and your dad hated
"He did?"
"Yeah this was way before you came along, your dad kinda hated me. I think
he felt replace"
We drove all the way downtown. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem kinda
quite. Is this about that problem earlier"
"If I tell you it will you promise not to tell anyone?"
"Did you rob a bank or something?"
"No, something worse"
"You spilled a bag of clear Legos!"
"You know what..never mind" it was stupid to even consider telling him.
"No, I'll be serious"
"You promise not to tell?"
"I know this girl..."
"You like her?"
"By like do you mean...friendship or crush?"
"Jon do you wanna date this girl?"
"Okay, then what about her?"
"I don't know how to word it"
"We'll just tell it all at once
"I..think she's getting..abused" there it was all out, I ripe the band aid.
Uncle Joey pulled over fast and park. "Do you know if it's true?""Well..her mom boyfriend said he'll beat the crap outta and she told me"
"Jon, this is serious shit!-" he said putting the car in park. "Where dose she
"Woah,what!" Hell no! He can't go to her house! She'll hate me even more!
She's be in trouble!
"You can't go!"
"Jon, just calm down I'm sure everything-"
"No! You can't go?" I knew I shouldn't told him.
"Jon! Calm down, just tell me where she lives" it was no use. Uncle Joey was
gonna find ivy and I'll be that pathic boy who can't keep a secret.
"She lives in dreamer a trailer"
"I know where that is.."
"You do?"
"Yeah.,I'm not to proud to say why"
Every second closer we got to dreamer park I can feel my heart beat getting
stronger. I didn't even tell him where to park cause he already knew.
"Grab me what's in the glove compartment" he sounded different. I open
and i saw a gun. It was a pistols.
"I know, I know, this has to stay between us okay?"
I couldn't answer. I stare at it.
Why dose he have a gun? He gonna shoot someone
"Jon? Hey buddy?" He shakes me a little bit.
Ron...Ron gonna die because of me..uncle Joey gonna kill him..
"Jon! Say something" he shaking me rougher. He grabs it out my hand and
open the car door. I open the car door. He walked in front of me. I stayed at
least two feet back. When he stop I stop. We got to the trailer and he turn to
me."Jon come here!"
I didn't move. "For Jesus H Christ!" He rushes over to me. The pistols is still
in his hand and I don't know if he's gonna shoot me or not. Note to self:
never piss of a man with a gun."Jon, I want you to listen, okay? I'm not
gonna shoot anyone just if I need to"
"Dad says killing is wrong"
"Dad also wear socks with sandals"
He had a point. I nodded. "Okay...I want to to stay on the side of the trailer.
Got that?"
"Yes, are you gonna kill him?"
"No..wait you know..Ronald?"
"I seen him before."
"Stay here"
Uncle Joey went and knock on the door. "Well..well..well why isn't Joey
zeen..funny seeing you around here.. What happen did the college finallyfigure out where that money came from?" What? Uncle Joey got a
scholarship to college. "I didn't come here for that. You got a girl in there-"
"Oh, now I see you want to fuck her! It's gonna cost a lot more this time?"
Ew uncle Joey. "No? I'm talking about the little girl."
"Why? How do you even know she's here?"
"No reason of yours"
"I believe it is, coming to my house and demanding I bring a girl to you-"
"I know you beat her"
"Did she tell you that! We'll that little bitch been sleeping at boys house and
having them come here! Shit yesterday I had a little boy come and threaten
"You got threaten by a little boy?Sounds like bullshit"
"It was! That's why I made him pay extra when he fuck Danelle"
"I want you to leave the girl alone and if You don't you'll be in big trouble.
Jail kinda trouble"
"Whatever" he waved his hand in front of him "The dumb little bitch is just
trouble anyway."
Uncle Joey shook his head"You coulda went to school with me Ronald"
"And become what? They ain't want no low class in there schools. I go buy
Ron now Joey" and with that he slam the door. Ivy gonna be in big trouble
now. I just made it worst. I'm an asshole."Let's go" uncle Joey said.

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