Back to school

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I hear my alarm ring that's my sign the get up it 8am and I Shen to be at school by 9:45. I go take a shower and get dressed then I realized that Royce wasn't there where can he be.

Royce , Royce ,Royce? I kept calling his name but no answer finally I walked into the kitchen and saw that he had cooked breakfast for me.

Good morning princess he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen counter. I made you some toast eat it babe I want you to have a good first day back so I though I'd make you a nice big breakfast.

Aww babe thank you so much I love you he leans in for kiss and afterwards I lest jelly on his chin I grab my thumb and rub it off and we both smile.

Haha we both laugh aww babe I would love to stay and chat but I have to get to class but this was amazing thank you I'm in such a better mood now I'll miss you so Much today

I'll miss you to beautiful I say give me a hug he pulls me in for a hug and bury my face in his neck have a good day back remember study hard. It'll pay off.

Ok baby I will he walks me to my car and opens my door for me thank you babe I love you so much.
I love you to beautiful. And then I start pulling out. As he waves from the front door.

I think today in going to go to the studio and get some more work done on a couple of songs I'm writing I head over there and work for 2 hours.

Then I get a text from emeraude that says thank you for the worst year of my life don't worry karma will come back to get you.

I just ignore it and try not to worry about it her and her boyfriend are crazy and they're going to try to do things to me but I'm not going to let them get to me or bri.

It was now 2 o'clock and my baby was just about to get out of school so I think I'm going to just head home and wait for her over there and see if she wants to go out on a date.

I hear keys jiggling the front door and it's my baby hi beautiful how was your day today? I'm babe you scared me it was really good baby.

But I missed you so much I couldn't stop thinking about you especially during music class.

Aww I missed you to at he studio and emeraude sent me this crazy text that said that this was the worst year of her life and that karma sucks. Like crazy things.

Really babe wow that is crazy do you think she'll actually do something though? Idk she is capable of anything at this point but let's not worry about that now.

Hey do you want to go out and get some Starbucks go on a little date?

Yes of course babe I would love to. So we head out and go to Starbucks to get some hot chocolate and then sit by the small fire place and talk about life and our plans while holding hands it was the perfect date.

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