...I'll Always be Here for You. | Alphonse Elric x Reader

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{A/N: Words in italics are flashbacks.}

"...Every step you take, I'm always here for you...", you said, your fists clenched as you raised them to where your heart rests, beaten and broken after all of those years.

You were always there for Alphonse. You even fell in love with the innocent cat lover.


Confidence flared in your mind. Today was the day you'd confess. Though you felt a little pinch of regret... okay, more like a mountain of regret.

You thought that you were in the Elric brother's way to getting their bodies back, so you'd confess and leave them alone.

So, here you are in a hotel room, with a piece of paper and an envelope.

You grabbed your pen and you then prepared yourself.

You sighed; you immediately felt regret. "I'm sorry, Alphonse... Edward."

You then started to write down your feelings for Alphonse and you leaving them alone.

"Dear Alphonse & Edward,
I'm very, very sorry. I have to go. I'm in the way of your adventure to getting your bodies back, and looking for the Philosopher's Stone.

And hey, Al, if your reading this, uh...

I love you. I have when I laid my eyes on you. And yes, that means when I was a kid I already fell in love.

...I'm so sorry that I broke my promise to stay with you, every step you took.

I love you.

-I'm sorry.

[Y/N], your best friend"

You then felt a wet substance running down your cheeks to your chin. It then falls off to the letter. You sob; it's time to go..


You pack everything you needed to go on your journey alone.You sighed one more time and looked at a picture you took. "I'm so sorry, Al..." ...And off you go.


That was a year ago. When days passed, all you could think of was Alphonse. You kept saying sorry on your sleep when you dream of him. Now you were standing in the middle of a field; you didn't know where you were. It is also raining.

"I... k-knew it... I'm really hopeless without you, Al...", you say, with the same regret on your features from long ago.

"If you could only scoop m-me up... like... before.", you weakly say, as everything started to swirl. You then black out, but then you felt human arms hug you and pick you up.

You then dream of him.
You were lost in a field near Al and Ed's house, and you were also cold. "A-Al! Ed! W-Where are you, g-guys?", you called out, but then you felt so scared, lost, and you felt like your being watched, you blacked out. Not before when you felt arms hug you and pick you up. "A-Al...?", you questioned, but then when you looked up to see whomever was carrying you, you blacked out.

You then woke up to see a white ceiling, with an aroma of medicine everywhere.
You then gasped; who brought you here...?

You sit up but then you heard a voice you thought that it was familiar.

"A-Ah, [Y/N], lay down! You'll hurt yourself!", said a teenager's voice. You slowly turned your head to the source of the voice, only to see...

"A-Al... Alphonse...?", you say, but it sounded more like a question. The male figure smiled at you; "Hi, [N/N]."

"Alphonse...! You... You did it! Your finally back to your human form!", you happily say, eyes sparkling. You then opened your arms wide enough for him to hug you. He immediately got the message, and hugged you when you finished stretching your arms.

"Al--...?!", you say, but then you were cut off with an angry voice.

"What were you th-thinking, leaving me and brother alone?! Y-You... idiot!", he says, as he pulls away to see your face. But then regret and happiness immediately took over him when he saw you shocked.

"A-Al... you really have grown up, huh..?", you say, with a smile. "I'm sorry. So you really have read my letter...", you added.

"Of course! When I checked on you, you weren't there... y-you got me and brother really worried, you know!", he says, raising his voice at the end. He then hugs you tightly like he did when he found you cold and afraid in the field back in Resembool.

"I'm so sorry, I love you..." you kept repeating these 6 words that ached Alphonse's heart.

"I love you too, [N/N]...", he says, then pulls back slightly to kiss you on the lips.



Ed chuckles in the background when he entered the room.
You and Alphonse were making out.

But then your make-out session got cut off when you and Al heard Ed.

"E-ED!/BROTHER!", whined the two lovers. Though he just laughed.

"I see~! My little brother's growing up!"

"S-Shut up, brother!"

Various FullMetal Alchemist Characters x Reader [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now