What terrifies me the most is the day we
Stop talking
Will it end in the middle of a conversation
Or a final goodnight
Or will you let me know this is our last
What scares me most
Is when you tell me we need to stop
And when you tell me goodnight for the
Last time
No more pointless conversations
No more embarrassing myself in front of
For you will be gone far away
And I will still be stuck here
In this same old town
With the same old people
With no one to chase after
What causes me pain is thinking about
The day you leave
As the day we no longer talk
And the day you forget about me
Because no matter how hard I try
There is no way on Gods green earth
I will ever forget you
And that truly terrifies me
It scares me so much I refuse to dwell
On it for too long
Because when that day comes
My heart will truly break
And my mind will be long gone
And there will be no fixing me.