The unwanted guest...

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Sky's pov

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since they dissapeared. Well, I guess all that's left to do is end Herobrine. Maybe we can find my generals after, if they're not already dead. "Skylar, it's time to call off the serch parties. We've looked everywhere. It's time to move on." I ordered looking out my window. Everyone working together to secure the kingdom. Pontless, but it keeps them busy.

"But sir..."

"No buts this time Skylar, call them off that's an order." I hissed over my shoulder.

She hesitated before bowing, "Yes your highness." She straightened and walked out of the room.

Of corse, using formalities, she knows how much I hate that. I sighed and walked out of the room. Everyone bowed their heads as I walked by. Odd... I shook my head and walked to the library. "Ok Seto, let's see what you have hiding in here." I mumbled under my breath. I grabbed whatever I could find that I thought could help, and started reading.

I sat there for hours reading. "Let's see, zombies, skeletons, vampires? When were those here?" I growled and threw the book I had in my hand. "Of corse, a whole library, and nothing that will help." I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"Yah know, during all the time we've watched you, you never once seemed this close to giving up." I heard someone say.

I stood and drew my blade. "Who's there?" I asked looking around.

"No one important, the name's Jeb. I helped Notch create" Jeb answered as he stepped out of the shadows. He wore a black cloak over his brown uniform. He had white hair and dark brown eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked keeping my sword up, ready to strike if necessary.

"To help, to even...shead some light on somethings." He said opening one of the books Seto had laying around. "Hystory of Herobrine? Now why would........oh, well....whoever wrote this book really did their research huh?" He shook his head and put the book down. "Anyway Adam, you seemed like you're about ready to give up. So I came to help."

"And why would you do that?"

He shrugged. "Cuse Notch sent me to."

"Oh really? And why should I belive some stranger who randomly appeared in my kingdom?" I asked growling a little.

"You shouldn't, which is why I came as well." I heard another vioce reply.

I turned around and came face to face with Notch. Jeb bowed before the God and they expected me to do the same. "Hello Notch." I spat staring at the 'god of Minecraft'. Both Jeb and Notch looked at me in surprise. "My appolagies, but I don't bow down to those who abandon their people, especially when they're needed the most." I hissed.

"That day was no fault of mine." Notch said.

"And you did nothing to stop it eather! Even if it was your 'creations' who did it!" I snapped, tears forming in my eyes.

"Adam, I'm sorry, but their was nothing I could've done."

"BUT YOU DIDN'T TRY! YOU SAT AND WATCHED AS THEY TOOK HIM AWAY! AS THEY MURDERED MY MOTHER IN FRONT OF ME! AS THEY KILLED EVERYONE WE EVER CARED ABOUT! YOU DID NOTHING UNTIL THE DAMAGE WAS ALREADY DONE!" I shouted breathing heavily. "You stood there and watched as Herobrine lead the squids to us and dystroyed our kingdom. So why would you dare show your face here again?" I asked tears now falling down my face.

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