France x reader (I miss her but love you)

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"France stay strong!" Her voice says.
"Jean I Love you never forget that!" I say watching her be burned.

-à few years l8ter-

"Omg france is so beautiful including the eiffle tower!" I say dancing down the street with my camera.
"bonjor madam!" a voice says behind me.
"bonjor francy-pants!" i say looking at him smiling.
"enjoying my country dearest?" he says offering a rose.
"yes!" i say hugging him.
"well there's one more place to see!" he says grabbing my hand running down the street.
"wow the place that jean'd arc got burned!" i say sadly.
"y-yes this is the place...." france says choking on tears getting down on one knee getting something out his pocket.
"F-france?" i look at him gasping.
"she was someone i love a long time ago and i miss her but now the question is will you marry me?" he asks hold out a ring with blue,white and red jewels.
"yes!" i say hugging him.

~extra ending~
"mama i am hungry!" little matthew says from the doorframe.
"oh okay mattie you want pancakes?" I ask walking to the kitchen.
"yes mama!" matthew says holding my hand.
-time skip-
" i am home mi amor!" france says hugging me.
"hello mister frenchman!" i say smiling.
"i visited jean today.." he said smiling.
"what did you tell her?"
france held my waist "well that i miss her but love you!" france said kissing me on the cheek.

~2nd extra ending~
"mama can i hold jean?" matthew ask holding his hands out.
"oh course" france says handing jean to matthew.
"welcome to the world little sister!" matthew says quietly.
"awwe mattie you'll be  great big brother. i say smiling.
"oh mom I'll feed her pancakes and teach her french and let her play with kumajiro!" mattie whisper shouts.
"okay matthew time for bed!" france says pointing to his room.
"goodnight mama and little sister."  matthew says walking out.
"hey y/n?" france ask.
"i miss her but love you!" france says smiling.
"me too my loveable frenchman.

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