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Ok I was tagged by -Arcticstar- . I'm too lazy to do that much of an intro so here we go.

1. When I was a kid my favorite thing to do was find worms, play with my goats, cats, rats, rabbits, and chicks. (And we didn't even live on a farm🤔).
2. Favorite food is STEAK. Ohhh with lemon. Ahh now I'm hungry :(
3. My first fandom was actually wings of fire. I picked it up at a bookstore. It was the book that really got me into reading, which got me into writing, which got me into drawing.
4. My best friend is TeamValorArt   My best friendS are May-may, Kaywa, POTATO, dido, ju-ju. I know beautiful nicknames.


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6. either Caleo or starspeaker
7. May 25
8. Planes, closed spaces, school, boats
9. Blonde short hair, hazel eyes, pale cream skin, a few freckles around my eyes. ( imma do a self portrait now 🐷)
10. That's a hard one. Probably 'we don't believe what's on tv'  by t.o.p.
11. I made my account 'cause I thought OMG I HAVE AN ACTUAL GOOD STORY IDEA. And then I stayed on wattpad 'because there's a place for me to post my art.
12. Turtle or kinkajou from wof
Im just gonna tag ten because my fingers hurt from typing. ( seriously it painful!! Why is it so painful?!)

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