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I learned a few new words today..... One of the most interesting words was 'love'. Its translated as 'Ishq' or 'Muhabbat' in urdu. Someone once asked me what is love?
I said its Life. As simple as that. But today I learnt- uh more like figured out what I meant by that statement.

Love is a divine force/being/emotion whatever you want to think it is.
It was love that made humanity.
It is love where two hearts join.
It is love where they go apart.
It is love where there is a tear.
It is love where there is a smile.
Love is insecure, yet the most powerful.
Love is light, yet it is found in the darkest of the caves.
Love is a flower, a special flower that can bloom even in a desert.
Love is serene and peaceful but it fights the most brutal wars.
Love is sensitive yet it makes ones character the strongest.
Love is a mistake but the biggest achievement a man can ever achieve.....
Love is an emotion like any other but it never ends, neither does it die. It is the only emotion that blooms in the most gloomiest of the times.
Love might develop in a heartbeat or it might open its petals after a century.

Every man should plant this flower called 'love' in this special garden called 'heart'. Because sometimes when all the other flowers die out of droughts. This flower still grows, plants its seeds and blooms its surroundings through this fragrance called 'honesty'.

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