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I turn the radio on in my busted up car and
my playlist starts. I see alex's sour face and laugh. "This is pretty good, i don't blame you, but you know my music taste, pop stuff thats always on the radio, like old pop songs by the spice girls and stuff like that." she says, and i nod. "True, true." she is one of those kind of people, she listens to pop, stays up to date on all the new fashion trends, keeps up with her social media, and she always knows whats going on in the social media world. Shes definetly a city girl, but we fit together like puzzle peices, always have. When we moved here from florida, it was a drastic change to my usual lifestyle, but she fit right in. She always does, shes got a fierce aura around her that no-one can resist. "So whats the plan? What are we doing today?" she asks. "Um, maybe go to the movies? Or out to lunch?" i suggest.
" about we go and see the big bean? We havent seen it yet, and todays the perfect day to go? And then go to a few shops?" she suggests, and i nod. "That sounds good to me, how do we get to the bean?" i ask, and she pulls out her phone and asks siri how to get there. I almost laugh, because i knew she would do that. "Okay, so it says that we have to turn left up at the next intersection, and after a mile or so, turn left onto Martin ave, and-"Girl, you know i wont remember all that, just tell me as we go." i say after cutting her off with a laugh. She giggles too. "Alright, were coming up to that intersection, so when we do, take a left." she says, setting her phone down on her lap. I see the intersection up ahaead. "Alrighty". We get up to the intersection and i take a left. "So what next?"
"After a mile or so, take a left onto Martin ave." i nod my head and keep driving. The car ride wasn't too long, and after her series of instructions, we stopped the car at a curb and walked the rest of the way. We walked up to the bean and looked at our reflections. "Well this is really eventful." i say sarcastically and laugh. "Oh definetly."she replies. We walk through the middle part of the bean and look up at our reflections. People move around us, some are looking up too. "Its kinda cool though, how the city reflects off of it. It looks nice." i say and look at alex. "Yeah, it looks cool, i wonder how it will look at night, with all the city lights and stuff." she says. "I bet it will look cool, we gotta come during the night to see it." i say and she nods in response. "Ready to go?" i ask. "Yep, lets go to some shops." she says, walking out of the bean. I follow her out and walk by her side. It really does feel so nice out today; When I look up at the sky and the sun hits my face I feel so warm and cozy- "So theres this ball thing my work is doing, wanna come?" she asks. "Nah, thats not my kinda scene. Im more of a club kind of person." i say glancing in her direction. "Oh come on, it wont be too bad.." yeah right..-"and plus, i need someone with me so i dont look all lonely." she adds. I shake my head, "I dont know, ill let you know later." i mumble with a shrug and small grin. she sighs. "Okay, let me know a.s.a.p" i nod in response and walk to my car. I unlock it and open the door to hop in and alex follows suit. "You need a new car girl." she says. "I needed a new car three years ago." i laugh and buckle in. "You said it, not me!" i laugh at her quirky remark and pull off of the curb. "What shops are we going to?" i ask. "I dont know, we will see when we get there." i nod in response.

We pull onto another curb, this one has a meter. "How long will we be?" i ask. "Two hours, tops." i nod and hop out of my car. I walk over to the meter and feed it a few dollars. "Alright, lets go." Alex closes her car door and follows me into a store named Brunxtins. We look at some clothes in the front but a lot of it is expensive here. I see a cute top on a t-stand rack from across the way so I head to it and Alex wanders off like how she always does; I snicker to myself in thought. I pick the top up off of the rack and find a mirror to pose with it on my chest. It's a pretty yellow color,-one of my favorite colors,-with spaghetti straps; it's cropped, with a lace neck lining that cuts into a V-shape perfectly under where my cleavage would go. I can already see an outfit with this shirt that I could wear out and about. Super cute idea. I check the tag and surprisingly it's on clearance for five bucks! Score! I turn around to look for Alex and see her standing by the sunglasses, I need some new sunglasses too I should get some of those too actually. I walk over to her and tap her shoulder, she turns around with the biggest chunkiest sunglasses she could find perched on the tip of her nose, with her finger on the plump of her bottom lip, and an eyebrow raised; Her big brown eyes peeking over the thick frame of the glasses. I hold up the shirt and she smiles. "I love it!" She exclaims in an obviously fake British accent. I smile back,"Yup, it's only five bucks too, on clearance!" Her eyes widen and she reaches out to feel the fabric. "This is nice for five dollars!"I smile, "I just hit the jackpot for real" I do a victory butt wiggle. We giggle together and nudge elbows. I find a cute pair of classic aviators and slip them on my nose and look up at the small mirror on top of the rack. These are pretty dope. I'm getting these too. She grabs a cute cat eye pair and we decide that's all we want from here because we have other places to go. We head to the register and she goes first. She found a shirt too, some shorts and those sunglasses. A whole fit, how cute. She finishes up and it's my turn to check out, i set my things on the counter. This lady doesn't seem very happy today, I can tell by her aura. I noticed that she didn't want to say hello when I set my things down or make much eye contact; "How's your day been today?" I ask in efforts to make conversation. She looks up at me and shrugs "could have been better. You?" I think of the bean. "My friend and I went and saw that bean today, it's not as exhilarating as I'd imagined it would be. A lot less magical for sure. But it was still pretty cool though. Have you seen it before?" She nods her head, "I've been there too many times, I've been around it and seen it so many times, it's just something that's there. I'm used to it being there all the time" i crack a smile, "yeah I can understand that, I lived in Florida my whole life though so this whole city is so different than what I'm used to." She chuckles, "Florida is definitely a lot more calm than what you see here, that's for sure." She finishes up my transaction and I grab my receipt; "You have a good night-" I glance at her name tag- "Amanda." She smiles, her aura lifted a lot more since the beginning of our conversation. "You too, love." She waves with a smile. This lady just needed someone to care about her day, that's all. I wave back with a smile to meet hers and spin around to catch up to Alex outside leaned on the wall, bag in hand, hitting her vape. "Let's get Ice cream" she says while poking my ribs. I giggle and nod, luckily enough there is an ice cream shop right across the street, 'mamas cold creme' reads the large pink and white glowing sign with a bright red cherry as the period for the title. We use the crosswalk and Alex reaches the door first holding it open for me. Walking in it smells like sweet air and marshmallows. The atmosphere is light and springy, I see a lot of orange on the walls and cute little pink tables with green stools to accentuate color. Cute. I walk up to the counter and i'm greeted with a happy smile. "How can I help you?" A small curly haired teenage boy says, with braces that look so uncomfortable for his unusually small mouth. I wonder if those hurt? I smile and ask for three scoops of ice cream in a medium bowl. Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. He grabs a bowl for me and scoops three giant scoops of 'mamas cold creme', I laugh at my thought. He hands me the cup and asks for three dollars and seventeen cents. I hand him six dollars, twenty five cents, and tip him the rest. He smiles when I drop it in his tip bucket. I walk over to the toppings section while Alex pays for her ice cream. I put three cherries on top, with gummy worms, m&m's, skittles, and dabbles of Oreo crumbs. I wonder how fresh all of this stuff is. Do they re-use toppings from the previous day? I really hope not. All these people in and out all day, bringing in whatever air and germs with them; And I know children must have taken at least a few gummies with their sticky hands today, I know because I've done it as a grown woman and also as a child. Alex puts nothing on her strawberry cup of ice cream, we head to my car. Alex asks me to drop her off at her apartment building while we walk, "nope, I can't, you must stay with me all the time or els I get bored." I say, she laughs and shakes her head. "You already know I wish we could do that. I have laundry and stuff to do at home though, grown up things" she drags the s sound and I laugh almost too long; so does she. We get to my car and I unlock it with my key, the alarm sounds since I didn't use the beeper and we slip in and shut the doors, instantly locking them because it's become a habit of mine, -one of my proud habits though, I will say. I start my car, the alarm finally stopes and we leave, I glance around to see if anyone payed attention to that small ordeal. I hated doing that in Florida but it's so busy here that no one noticed the noise. The drive to Alex's apartment is loud, full of old rap music and us screaming every lyric. I pull into a parking space close to her lobby and shut my car off. She turns to me and hugs me. "Don't forget about thinking about that ball I mentioned for my work okay? I would really love you to go." She gives me one last squeeze and unbuckles. She grabs her ice cream cup and opens the door to slip out, I turn the radio down a little as she "yells see you later!" right as Im pulling away. I blow a kiss out of the window as I drive away, she catches it like she always does. I smile. The drive to my house is quick, we live very close to each-other. I live one block over. I hop out of my car with my bags and melting ice cream and walk to my lobby doors. I see Mr. Jensen, my doorman. "Hello sir, its a nice day out today, make sure you go outside and check it out sometime!" i say. "Hello Violet, it is a nice day! Ill make sure to go out and experience it myself sometime today." he says with a kind smile. "You better! Ill see you later Mr.Jensen, have a nice day." i say and walk to the elevator. "You too violet! See you later!" he says with a wave. I wave back and step into the elevator. I push in my floor number and lean againsed the wall. I listen to the classical elevator music and hum along. I reach my floor and step out into the hall. I reach my apartment door, unlock it, and step inside. Soon after im greeted by moris, my fat cat. I bend down and pet him behind the ears. "Hey bud, you hungry?" i ask, he purks up and meows. I set my bags down onto my couch, ice cream now in the trash because I forgot to eat it and I walk over to him."Your definitely hungry." i walk in my kitchen to get him a can of food. I open it up and get hit in the face with a nasty waft of fish stench. "How the hell do you eat this stuff?" i say and empty the can into his foodbowl. He digs in immediately. I toss the can into the trash bin and walk into my room. I set my phone down on my desk along with my purse. I sigh and flop down on my bed, today has me pooped.
My phone starts blaring Be happy by Bob marley from my desk. I growl, I literally just laid down. Come on. i go and see who it is nonetheless, I see alex's name and picture on my phone screen and I click the answer button, "hello goofy, I just saw you, what's up?"
"Hey violet, remember earlier today? When i asked you to go to the ball thingie with me?" i sigh,
"yes i remember, you just asked me not even thirty minutes ago silly, why?" I giggle.
"Violet, you know i need a date to this stupid ball thing.." she asks in a tired tone.
"Yeah, but im not a fancy person, nor do i really want to go, alex..can you not take someone els?" i say.
"Violet.." .
"Cant you take anyone you want to this thing? Why dont you ask Chase?" i ask again.
"No, your my best friend and i want to take you! Please? For me Violet?"
i can hear the pout in her voice. I hesitate a little,
"I guess I-" she squeals, interrupting me.
"Yay! Ill pick you up at seven thirty tomorrow evening, okay?" she says.
"I guess so, but you owe me, hoe." i say and sigh. "Whatever, you whore, i love you! Ill see you tomorrow evening, be ready!" she says.
"See you tomorrow, i love you, bye cow head" i click end call and flop down on my bed. Do i even have a nice dress? I have my old prom dress, but its got alot of sequins, and its itchy. I have the red one, but its too short.. I get up from my bed and walk to my closet and look around. I see the white dress my gram gave me a year ago, ive only worn it once. I reach for it and pull it off the hanger. I walk to my mirror and put it up to my shoulders. It goes all the way to the floor, and it has long sleeves. The backside is left open, to where it will expose my whole back. I quickly change into it and see how it fits me. I look back into the mirror and smile. The dress fits beautifully, it dips into all of my curves perfectly and makes my butt look not so ugly. I guess Ive found my dress, but now i have to find my shoes. I slip off the dress, and put my regular clothes back on. I walk over to my shoe rack and see my options. Theres dark blue heels, but those give me bad sores, i have gladiator sandals, but they're too tight on my calves, and i have white six inch heels, but those hurt my ankles. I look at my last option, and smile. Alex wont be too happy with my chioce, but i cant lie.. These sandals will look amazing with my dress.

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