Chapter 2. - The Phonecall

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after i said that, he hugged me and i hugged him back. I felt like my eyes teared up.

In the morning i felt like i had to sing, it was in my nature to sing every morning before going to school and after i come home.

,,Tori, come downstairs you got a call."

I walked into the living room where my mother standed and reached the phone to me saying it's the doctor and that he wanted to talk to me first.

,,Hello?" Asked a low, but manly sweet voice which made me feel a little calmer than usual.

,,Yes, this is Tori." Hesitateingly i answered. My mind was full of thoughts like, are my test results out? Was it something bad or did i entirely get a cancer or something? I shook all the thoughts of having cancer off and all the other bad things and tried to think positive.

,,Hi. We have your test results out..." Just then, at that very moment, my world collapsed. Everything i dreamed about, wished for ... all gone. I felt like i was all alone in some dark deep forest: Tears just flowed down my cheeks and i collapsed down on the floor.

When i woke up, it was morning, i didn't remember how i got here ...

,,Mom!?" I tried to yell louder, my voice came out a little strained.

,,Mom!!" My eyes felt like tearing up just the time i saw my mom walking to my room with a cup of hot cocoa.

My mom always made me hot cocoa when i was little and in a sad mood or sick. She slowly sat on my bed and handed me the cup.


Just when she was about to answer, i let out a small gasp and interrupted.

,,Mom please ... don't."

I didn't want my mom to be sad, it just broke my heart already when i saw my dad leaving mom for another woman. I mean, my dad was a total jerk, e basically drank all day and smoked cigard in the house until the point i started coughing and couldn't breathe.

I just don't get it what mom saw in him, but i still feel a bit bad for her. She deserves something better than that, i mean ... with her model-like look i could knock every man down i'd see hot enough for me.

I chuckled at the thoughts of mom knocking those men down with her amazingly hot 'Booty' of hers.

,,Tori, what are you laughing at?" I came out of my thoughts with a little laugh, gazing at my mom's bright green eyes.

,,Nothing mom."

When i finished my hot cocoa i handed the cup back to my mom. ,,Mom?"

,,Yes dear?" She turned around with a small innocent smile on her face. I wished all this was a dream, that me and my mom would be fine. No problems, no ... diseases, no drunk dad's or anything.

,,Can you keep it a secret, for now?"

I hesitated a little but i was able to finish what i had to say. ,,I don't want my friends to know right now. It's just not fair."

I was that selfish, to tell my own good friends what was going on with my life. But i didn't want to feel a burden to them, i wanted to feel a normal life as long as i can and fulfill my dreams. The thought of my friends knowing that i can't sing anymore because of the constant smoke i breathed in when i was little, i got a lung cancer, would just break my heart.

Even thought i know that my friends would be there for me, but how long could they bear it to see my world collaps when all my dreams are gone?

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